前天看到「歐洲理事會︰新流感是藥商製造的『假疫情』」於是上網找相關新聞,這則新聞是英國每日郵報(Daily Mail)的報導(導引用於下的第一篇英文報導)。英國的衛報也有報導(引用於下第二篇英文報導),但是重點是放在歐盟要調查藥商是否故意操弄使得各國政府迅速的購買並囤積流感藥劑與疫苗。我是用提出質疑的「歐洲理事會」衛生事務首長沃達格(Wolfgang Wodarg)的名字作關鍵字搜尋的,英國的 BBC, Times 與美國的 The New York Times 都沒有相關報導。
接著我在網路上搜尋 Wolfgang Wodarg,發現去年八月他就對於新流感的疫苗(諾華)與政策提出警告(請參考以下第三篇英文報導),最主要的是:
在其他的報導中 Wolfgang Wodarg 也提及這新流感與其他流感並無太大不同,不需過度恐慌。
我很好奇這位 Wolfgang Wodarg 位甚麼還能活到現在?好萊塢電影裡這種人總是遭到藥廠買兇追殺。或許是因為他是歐洲理事會衛生事務首長吧!還是因為量準他沒有甚麼具體的證據?不過靠新流感賺大錢的藥廠一定可以找到許多專家來替他們背書的,所以歐盟要調查的是藥商是否故意操弄,不當影響政府的政策。如果是的話,不僅僅是英法德這幾國想取消藥品和疫苗訂單的政府受騙,台灣也是一個受害者。
〔國際新聞中心/綜合報導〕歐洲理事會(Council of Europe)首席衛生官員指出,最近讓人聞之色變的新流感,根本只是藥廠為了圖利製造出來的「假疫情」,藥商為一己之私,左右世界衛生組織,讓世衛宣布新流感進入大流行,而後等著坐收漁翁之利,民眾為了這種相對來說算輕微的疾病接種疫苗、政府虛擲國家衛生預算,都只是肥了藥商荷包而已。為此,歐洲理事會已通過提案,將調查藥廠在此次疫情裡扮演的角色,並將在本月稍晚對此議題展開緊急辯論。
藥廠為撈錢 製造「假疫情」
* 2010-01-12
* 中國時報
* 楊明暐/綜合報導
總部設在法國史特拉斯堡的「歐洲理事會」衛生事務首長沃達格(Wolfgang Wodarg)宣稱,H1N1新流感疫情根本就是一些藥廠炮製出來的「假疫情」,目的是製造恐慌,好讓他們賺進大把鈔票。
(2010/01/12 18:06)
新流感疫情仍然存在,不過英國《每日郵報》卻報導歐洲理事會衛生首長沃達格(Wolfgang Wodarg)直指,新流感疫情「遭誇大」,目的是為了讓藥廠銷售疫苗,可說是「本世紀最大的醫學醜聞」。針對此項說法,國內防疫單位表示,這些都是外界的「傳言」,無論如何新流感疫情仍存在才是實情。
根據英國《每日郵報》報導指出,歐洲理事會首席衛生官員、同時也是流行病學專家的沃達格強調,新流感疫情遭到誇大,世界衛生組織受到藥廠的影響,才會在去年六月宣佈全球疫情大爆發的訊息。沃達格直言,「新流感是一個溫和、假的全球流行病」(He said:'We have had a mild flu - and a false pandemic.')。
The 'false' pandemic: Drug firms cashed in on scare over swine flu, claims Euro health chief
By Fiona Macrae
Last updated at 8:38 AM on 11th January 2010
The swine flu outbreak was a 'false pandemic' driven by drug companies that stood to make billions of pounds from a worldwide scare, a leading health expert has claimed.
Wolfgang Wodarg, head of health at the Council of Europe, accused the makers of flu drugs and vaccines of influencing the World Health Organisation's decision to declare a pandemic.
This led to the pharmaceutical firms ensuring 'enormous gains', while countries, including the UK, 'squandered' their meagre health budgets, with millions being vaccinated against a relatively mild disease.
A resolution proposed by Dr Wodarg calling for an investigation into the role of drug firms has been passed by the Council of Europe, the Strasbourg-based 'senate' responsible for the European Court of Human Rights.
An emergency debate on the issue will be held later this month.
Dr Wodarg's claims come as it emerged the British government is desperately trying to offload up to £1billion of swine flu vaccine, ordered at the height of the scare.
The Department of Health warned of 65,000 deaths, set up a special advice line and website, suspended normal rules so anti-flu drugs could be given out without prescription and told health and local authorities to prepare for a major pandemic.
Planners were told to get morgues ready for the sheer scale of deaths and there were warnings that the Army could be called in to prevent riots as people fought to obtain drugs.
But with fewer than 5,000 in England catching the disease last week and just 251 deaths overall, Dr Wodarg has branded the H1N1 outbreak as 'one of the greatest medical scandals of the century'.
He said: 'We have had a mild flu - and a false pandemic.'
He added the seeds of the scare were sown five years ago, when it was feared the much more lethal bird flu virus would mutate into a human form.
The 'atmosphere of panic' led to governments stockpiling the anti-flu drug Tamiflu and putting in place 'sleeping contracts' for millions of doses of vaccine
Dr Wodarg said: 'The governments have sealed contracts with vaccine producers where they secure orders in advance and take upon themselves almost all the responsibility.
'In this way the producers of vaccines are sure of enormous gains without having any financial risks.
'So they just wait, until WHO says "pandemic" and activate the contracts.'
He also claims that to further push their interests, leading drug companies placed 'their people' in the 'cogs' of the WHO and other influential organisations.

A young girl is given an inoculation at a medical centre inCockermouth, England. Millions were given vaccines against swine flu,with pharmaceutical companies being paid huge sums by the government.
He added that their influence could have led the WHO to soften its definition of a pandemic - leading to the declaration of a worldwide outbreak last June.
Dr Wodarg said: 'In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide.
'They have made them squander tight healthcare resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly exposed millions of healthy people to the risk of unknown side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines.'
He does not name any Britons with conflicts of interest.
But last year, the Daily Mail revealed that Sir Roy Anderson, a scientist who advises the Government on swine flu, also holds a £116,000-a-year post on the board of GlaxoSmithKline.
GSK makes anti-flu drugs and vaccines and is predicted to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the pandemic swine flu vaccine.
The Department of Health says that although the disease appears to be on the wane, it cannot rule out a third surge and urges all those entitled to the jab to have it.
Professor David Salisbury, the Government's head of immunisation said there were 'no grounds whatsoever' for Dr Wodarg's claims, saying people with conflicts of interest were kept out of the decision-making process.
A GSK spokesman said: 'Allegations of undue influence are misguided and unfounded. The WHO declared that H1N1 swine flu met the criteria for a pandemic.
'As WHO have stated, legal regulations and numerous safeguards are in place to manage possible conflicts of interest.'
The company, which still employs Sir Roy, said he had declared his commercial interests and had not attended any meetings related to the purchase of drugs or vaccine for either the Government or GSK.
Drug companies face European inquiry over swine flu vaccine stockpiles
Council of Europe to discuss whether pharmaceutical firms spread alarm over pandemic to boost orders of medicines
European health chiefs are to hold emergency talks about whether pharmaceutical giants have unduly influenced governments into squandering public money on vast stockpiles of unnecessary swine flu drugs.
The Council of Europe will debate a resolution that accuses drug companies of leaning on public health officials to alarm governments about the risks of H1N1 flu.
The talks, due to be held later this month, come as British ministers decide what to do with a surplus of as many as 20m doses of vaccine ordered at the height of the swine flu outbreak.
"The governments have sealed contracts with vaccine producers where they secure orders in advance and take upon themselves almost all the responsibility.
"In this way, the producers of vaccines are sure of enormous gains without having any financial risks. So they just wait, until WHO says 'pandemic' and activate the contracts," Wolfgang Wodarg, head of health at the Council of Europe, told the Daily Mail.
Wodarg, who proposed the resolution, added that H1N1 virus was "a mild flu and a false pandemic".
Last week, Germany and France announced they would scale back orders or sell excess H1N1 drug supplies. Shares in the manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) have fallen as orders are cancelled. The drugmaker had previously estimated total sales of its pandemic flu vaccine across more than 70 countries at £2bn, over 2009 and 2010.
The impact of the H1N1 virus has been less severe than anticipated. At the height of the pandemic scare, around 65,000 deaths were expected in Britain; the current, downgraded estimate is for 1,000 fatalities. The latest death toll for the whole of the UK stands at 360.
The Department of Health confirmed last week that a total of 28.9m doses had already been delivered to the UK – 23.9m from GSK and 5m from another firm, Baxter.
A break clause in the Baxter contract has been exercised by the UK but more orders were due to arrive from GSK. Health officials were negotiating with the firm to suspend further deliveries.
Professor David Salisbury, the Department of Health's director of immunisation, confirmed that discussions about what to do with Britain's surplus vaccine were under way.
But Salisbury stressed: "We have to keep a stockpile for ourselves because we simply don't know what is going to happen over 2010, and we know that there are proportions even within the risk group who have not been vaccinated.
"If there were a UK resurgence during 2010, we would look very foolish if we had disposed of a valuable stockpile."
The options being reviewed include selling it, giving it away, or possibly even keeping one of its component parts – known as an "adjuvant" – to use as the basis of a vaccine for a different virus pandemic in the future.
The text of the resolution prosed by Wodarg calling for an inquiry states that "in order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies influenced scientists and official agencies responsible for public health standards to alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for inefficient vaccine strategies, and needlessly expose millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently-tested vaccines."
The total bill for fighting swine flu in the UK was put at £1bn in a parliamentary question back in September. It is expected to have risen since then.
guardian.co.uk © Guardian News and Media Limited 2010
German health expert's swine flu warning Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?
21.08.2009 - 12:33 UHR
The swine flu vaccine has been hit by new cancer fears after a German health expert gave a shock warning about its safety.
Lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg has said that there are many risks associated with the vaccine for the H1N1 virus.
He has grave reservations about the firm Novartis who are developing the vaccine and testing it in Germany. The vaccination is injected “with a very hot needle”, Wodarg said.
The nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells from animals and "we do not know if there could be an allergic reaction".
But more importantly, some people fear that the risk of cancer could be increased by injecting the cells.
The vaccine - as Johannes Löwer, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, has pointed out - can also cause worse side effects than the actual swine flu virus.
Wodrag also described people’s fear of the pandemic as an "orchestration": “It is great business for the pharmaceutical industry,” he told the ‘Neuen Presse’.
orchestration n. 1. 管弦樂編制法 2. 和諧的結合
Swine flu is not very different from normal flu. “On the contrary if you look at the number of cases it is nothing compared to a normal flu outbreak,” he added.
The chairman of the health committee in the European Council has urged for a careful and calm reaction to the virus.
Up until now, the producers of the vaccine did not know how many orders they would have by the autumn, but the German Government is now a guaranteed customer.
Even the pharmaceutical companies are trying to exploit the fear of the swine flu pandemic.
http://www.bild.de/BILD/news/bild-english/world-news/2009/08/07/swine-flu-health-expert-warning/does-virus-vaccine-increase-risk-of-cancer.html WHO to Review Swine Flu Response Amid ‘False Pandemics’ DebateJanuary 12, 2010, 10:07 PM EST
By Jason Gale
Jan. 13 (Bloomberg) -- The
WorldHealth Organization plans to conduct a review of its response to swineflu while policymakers in Europe prepare for an “urgent debate” on theinfluenza pandemic.pandemic a disease that spreads over a whole country or the whole world (全國或全球性)流行病;大流行病
WHOhasn’t yet decided when its response to the contagion will be examinedbecause the pandemic is ongoing, said Christy Feig, a WHO spokeswomanin Geneva. Yesterday, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council ofEurope said “false pandemics, a threat to health” will be a major themeof its next plenary session, with a debate slated for Jan. 28.
contagion n. 1. the spreading of a disease by people touching each other 接觸傳染uncountable 2. a disease that can be spread by people touching each other 接觸性傳染病countableold-use 3. something bad that spreads quickly by being passed from person to person (不良事物的快速)傳播,蔓延,擴散
Healthauthorities worldwide are assessing whether their response to swine fluis justified by its threat as cases retreat in the U.S. and WesternEurope. The new H1N1 virus, which has targeted children and youngeradults, has so far resulted in fewer deaths than attributed to seasonalstrains, which kills mostly the frail elderly.
“WHO willcertainly take a look at how things went and how things could be madebetter,” Feig said in a telephone interview today. “It’s notnecessarily a reaction to criticism, it’s just what you do after a bigproject.”
The U.S., U.K. and Germany are among nations seekingto cut orders of pandemic vaccine from companies including London-basedGlaxoSmithKline Plc, Paris-based Sanofi-Aventis SA and Basel,Switzerland-based Novartis AG because of overestimated demand.
‘False Pandemic’
Councilof Europe parliamentarian Wolfgang Wodarg said last week he and severalcolleagues had called for a commission of inquiry into a “falsepandemic” and the way it was handled at national and European levels,claiming pressure from pharmaceutical firms, Agence France-Pressereported yesterday.
The WHO moved to the top level of itssix-step pandemic alert in June after the discovery of swine flu inMexico and the U.S. in April. The virus has spread to more than 208countries and overseas territories, the Geneva-based agency said Jan. 8.
WHODirector-General Margaret Chan is scheduled to brief the agency’sexecutive board on actions taken in the response to the pandemic at ameeting in Geneva starting Jan. 18.
“Once the current pandemicis over, the secretariat will review the experience gained and continueits work to further strengthen the world’s state of preparedness forthe next pandemic,” the WHO’s secretariat said in a Dec. 3 report to bepresented at next week’s meeting.
--Editors: Lena Lee, Garry Smith.
To contact the reporter on this story: Jason Gale in Singapore at +65-6212-1579 or j.gale@bloomberg.net
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Lena Lee at +65-6212-1892
or llee42@bloomberg.net