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打球的會員非富即貴,他們是名流,大企業的高階主管,達官顯貴... 這個運動因此也難免它勢利和臭跩的一面。也是這些人控制著高球運動的發展,勢利加上優越感,這些人抗拒改變,抗拒使這項運動擁抱平民運動的特質,也因此無可避免的逐漸式微。


Golf is killing itself through snobbery

The amateur sport is in dire straits

Melanie Reid

Expect a rush on tee times, chaps. For even as the crews dismantle the marquees at Turnberry, amateur golfers of a certain age, Tom Watson in their dreams, will be rushing to recreate last night’s drama. The swoosh and glamour of professional golf has the power to inspire.

marquee   n. 1. [美] (戲院、旅館等門口的)挑出遮篷
    2. [英] (展覽會、遊園會等的)大帳篷
swoosh   vt. 使嗖嗖[嘩嘩]地移動[灌注]
vi. 1. 發嗖嗖[嘩嘩]聲 2. 嗖嗖地移動 3. 嘩嘩地灌注
n.  1. 噴射,噴出 2. 嗖嗖[嘩嘩]聲

But these days it is only temporary. Amateur golf is in dire straits, with clubs all over the US and UK reporting shrinking memberships and unsustainable outgoings. Some are teetering on the edge of insolvency; greenkeepers are being paid off; and the previously unimaginable sight of “New Members Welcome” and “No Joining Fee” signs are appearing outside stuffy clubs where once one waited ten years to join.

Now the decline in a sport that has been a watchword for elitism and discrimination arouses little but glee, I’m afraid to say. It is very hard to feel sympathy for those who have, through snobbery and chauvinism, largely determined their own destiny.

watchword      n. 標語,口號;格言
glee        n. 1. 歡快 2. 高興,狂歡

July 19, 2009  (the photo was taken from Times On-line)
The Open 2009
The beautiful Turnberry course trapped many top players within its dangers

Over the past 25 years, while the rest of the world embraced equality, informality and diversity, not to mention the power of youth, golf fundamentally failed to move with the times. It has been left behind: a fascinating, compulsive game betrayed by those who control it.

compulsive    n. adj. 強制力;強迫力;強迫症患者

There are now too many courses seeking too few golfers. Only about a quarter of players belong to clubs; the rest are nomads, preferring pay- to-play on new nine-hole courses. The old school frowns at this, failing to understand that in an age where gym membership changes on a whim, lifetime loyalty to any one club is history. Just as the blazers don’t get that young, time-poor executives, seeking to unwind, are more likely to enjoy a speedy snort of cocaine than a leisurely 18 holes.

So there has been no Twenty20 revolution and little attempt to meet the demand for fast golf, friendly golf, nor family golf. What triple heresy! What breach of etiquette! Enlightened individuals try to effect change, but it is uphill work in one of the most conservative social groupings outside the Monday Club.

heresy    n. 異教,異端;左道邪說,反(對)論,信奉異端邪說

The recession has hit golf hard. But not as hard as the modern wife, who will no longer tolerate a partner who disappears for most of the weekend. Men are now expected, and genuinely want, to spend more time with their families. The trouble is, women and children are not really welcome on golf courses, except through gritted teeth. You hear of children turned away because they are wearing tracksuit bottoms.

grit        vt. 在…上鋪砂礫;用研磨料磨光;使(牙)發喀吱喀吱聲
tracksuit     n. (運動練習時或作便服穿的)寬鬆而曖的衣褲,一種有褲子和

Symbols matter. Until the professional game changes, and places such as Muirfield and Augusta start give-golf-a-try days for black single mothers (with crèches, of course), these attitudes will endure. And golf will atrophy.

atrophy     vt. vi, n. (使)萎縮,(使)衰退;(器官、組織的)萎縮,衰退,退化


Golf is a curious pastime for old men

Simon Barnes wonders what all the fuss is about, contending that, without an element of risk, golf is not really a sport at all
by Simon Barnes July 20, 2009

Brain is more useful than brawn in golf

Tom Watson’s achievement is a reason for the game’s great appeal and represents a triumph of experience over youth
by John Hopkins July 20, 2009

"TIMESONLINE" is the registered trademark of Times Newspapers Ltd. 
The story, Golf is killing itself through snobbery, was taken from Times on Line.  The  copyright remains with its original owners.  The author of this story and the Times are not involved with, nor endorse the production of this blog.    

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2.少說...因為這運動在台灣相對於其他運動確實貴一些;雖然每小時NT$500且可以和家人及好有共處應該還花得起. 但如果把它掛在嘴邊總有\\”趨炎附勢\\”之嫌.因為在台灣確實被導向\\”高而富\\”. 在美國並非如此;球場停車場常看到開著小貨車去打高爾夫.一場球20~30美金以加州為例;其實是平民運動.

2009-08-07 06:47:19
Thanks for sharing so much with me. I can tell that you are one of the normads, the mainstream players in the sport nowadays. In UK and US, only 1/4 of players belong to a club, which actually brings with difficulty to the operation of a court. As you should know this sport demands lots of maintenance and that’s costly. If you read the article I cited, from a biz point of view, you should also feel the trend of decline.
2009-08-07 22:21:22
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