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9 Important Things the Most Successful People Never Do

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9 Important Things the MostSuccessful People Never Do



1.Lie to yourself.

Youcan trick yourself into believing something, but that usually has an expirationdate. You know the times you told yourself you don't really care about arelationship or a dream job, when in all truth you really do? Or when you toldyourself it's okay to walk away from something difficult even when you know youwill probably regret it years later? Maybe it's time to take yourself moreseriously and be honest with yourself. Why? Because that is the mostimportant relationship you will ever have. So roll up your sleeves, askyourself the difficult questions, and then decide how to do what reallymatters. 

2.Say "I can't" to everything that looks difficult.

Don'tlet fear guide you through life. Next time you feel like saying, "Ican't," replace it with "Why not?" There is something reallypowerful when we leave a little space open for possibilities, instead ofshutting the door in our own face. It's better to ask ourselves where theresistance is coming from, rather than give in to it immediately without afight. It's a subtle change in attitude towards ourselves than can have atremendous impact in our lives. 

3.Have zero goals to aspire to.

Ifyou're drifting through life without having any specific goal in mind of whatyou'd like to do in the future, then you're not being respectful of your owntime on this planet. Why have goals? It's a great way to stay focused on whatis truly important to you, and it gives everything you do more meaning. How canyou define your goals? Ask yourself, where do you see yourself in the future,who do you want to become, what would be an ideal lifestyle for you? Then writedown your top 3 goals, map out what you need to do every day so that you canreach them, and create a weekly or monthly schedule so that you can work everyday towards achieving them. 

4.Depend on other people for constant love, attention, or entertainment.

Don'tuse other people to get your momentary emotional "fix." Why? Becauseyou will become helpless when they don't have time for you or are no longeraround. Instead,build your emotional structure so that you can provide foryourself. Don't look for entertainment elsewhere; find things that are funthat you can do on your own. Live your life in such a way that you likeyourself; it's imperative to maintaining happiness. And above all, believe inyourself and that your traits and abilities provide value to others. 

5.Obsess about other people's things or words.

It'seasy to get sucked into the latest updates from your Facebook or Instagramfriends. Try to take everything you see and hear with a grain of salt. Chancesare it's not their reality; it's the version of their reality they wantyou to see. Instead, focus on what you have going for you in your life.Practice gratitude for the little things, stay true to your goals, and don'taccept all advice that you get from everyone, because advice is autobiographythat comes with the life experiences of others. Use your critical thinkingskills and your best judgment before you act. 

6.Dwell on your mistakes.

There'sa big difference between learning from and dwelling on mistakes. Consider this:you either learn to fail or fail to learn. Making mistakes is a normal part oflife. It's how you approach them that matters. Try a differentstrategy of viewing your past by forgiving yourself for mistakes that you made.Reflect on them, learn from them, but don't hold on to them. This applies toyour relationships, career, education, and other areas of your life in whichyou feel you didn't achieve what you wanted or underperformed in some way. Bychanging how you relate to mistakes, you will give yourself more freedom tomanage your future more successfully. 

7.Spend what you don't have.

Ifyou didn't earn it yet, don't spend your money by giving in to momentary desiresof what you think you need. Chances are, the moment will pass but your billswill remain (and increase with interest). Be smart about money by keeping a logof your monthly expenses and then estimating how much you have left over afteryou've paid your bills, food, and other expenses. Then set aside a certainpercentage of your paycheck to be automatically routed into a savings account.Even if it's a small amount, it will add up over time without you evennoticing. 

8.Assume that your current job will last a long time.

Why? Becauseyou never know. If you've been working for some time now or you're juststarting a new job, try setting aside some money from each paycheck so that youcan cover all your bills and expenses for 3 months. If you are able to save upthis amount more quickly, then continue until you have enough money you couldlive off for 6 months. Regardless of where you live, the economy, job market,or just life in general can bring you something unexpected; the best way todeal with it is if you prepare in advance as much as you can. 

9.Forget to live by your moral code.

Whatis your moral code? You already possess it: it's a combination of how you wereraised, your cultural values, your religion, your spiritual practice, what youbelieve to be just, and some personal rules you've created for yourself alongthe way. Nurture an awareness of your moral code so that it guides you throughlife. Let it help you make decisions, both big and small, about your career,partner, circle of friends, personal goals that are important to you. Try yourbest to be true in everything you say, think, and do. 

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