7 Key Truths That The
Best Leaders Live By
by: Ivette K. Caballero
from: Linkedin

1. The best leaders give respect and earn trust
Common sense is not common practice for many leaders. For instance, common
leaders believe that respect has to be earned. This is what separates the best
leaders from the common leaders. The best leaders treat all people with
respect, from the poorest to the richest. They don't put people in boxes or
label them.
“If you treat people right
they will treat you right ... ninety percent of the time.” Franklin D.
2. The best leaders have
noble intentions and legitimate reasons to lead
They have no hidden agendas and no ulterior motives. Why? Because they
stand up for what they believe in and don't compromise their values. They're
committed to eradicating dishonesty, corruption, and unethical practices. Their
motto is to lead purposely and authentically, having a humble attitude and a
disposition to help.
"Life's most persistent
and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?." Martin
Luther King, Jr.
3. The best leaders communicate tactfully
They have good manners and the ability to communicate with consideration
and thoughtfulness. By communicating tactfully, the best leaders show emotional
intelligence, compassion, honesty, and courtesy. Their great character,
integrity, and maturity are evident in the way they communicate.
"Wise men speak because they have something to
say; Fools because they have to say something." Plato
4. The best leaders
show up and are approachable
The best leaders don't take leadership as a popularity contest nor are they
obsessed with their successes making the news. The best leaders aren't arrogant
and don't boast about themselves. They make themselves available to others and
go where they are needed. They lead by example, not by force.
"Success comes to those who dedicate
everything to their passion in life. To be successful, it is also very
important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head." A. R. Rahman
5. The best leaders
take risks that other leaders do not
They are courageous and combat the abuse of power and injustice. These leaders
speak the truth and confront the truth publicly without fear. Common leaders
tend to remain silent about what afflicts people for the fear of losing
popularity or because they are manipulated by others whose interests are
"Our lives begin to end
the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King,
6. The best leaders are able to identify and meet the needs of others
They care about people, treat them with dignity, and take the time to
talk with them and listen. Listening is a skill that they have mastered as they
know how powerful it is. By listening, the best leaders learn things about
people and are able to identify their needs and meet such needs in one way or
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a
single moment before starting to improve the world." Anne Frank
7. The best leaders
create other leaders
They recognize the talents in others and provide them with the tools to
further develop them and to equip them to lead the right way. The best leaders
are multipliers of talent and bring out the best in others. This is how they
are able to lead effectively. They give everyone a chance to grow, they don't
play favoritism.
"True Leaders don't
create followers, they create more leaders." Ziad K. Abdelnour