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2013-06-27 23:20:28

Seven Questions You Need To Ask To Increase...

Seven Questions You Need To Ask To Increase Your Leadership Potentialby: Nick Morganfrom: Forbes1. Howdo you show up when you walk into a room?Take control of your presence and change both your thinki...

2013-06-25 20:34:05


對工作不滿意?12條問題檢核你是否找對職務 from: 經理人 你每天早上起床後會興奮地去上班嗎?你是否每天都感到精力充沛?你會覺得公司的關係與你十分緊密,每天都想讓自己的團隊進步嗎?富比世(Forbes)記者...

2013-06-25 00:02:45

5 Strategies That Will Turn Your Employees Into Leaders

5 Strategies That Will Turn Your Employees Into Leadersby: Avery AugustineFrom: the Daily Muse1. Teach Them to Network2. Give Them the Right Experience3. Allow Them to Struggle a Little4. Be a Mentor5...

2013-06-21 09:57:23


真正優秀員工的10個特質標準 From: 大紀元 美國商業雜誌《Inc.》近期刊出一篇文章表明,任何英明的雇主應該能夠辨識優秀員工的10個特質標準,然後立即給予獎勵。 作者說,他當了20多年的雇主,一直...

2013-06-20 23:24:48

10 Qualities That You Need To Create A Sustainable Brand

10 Qualities That You Need To Create A Sustainable Brandfrom: FASTCOMPANYby: Jessica Blotter1: Innovation can be a tool for optimism2: Core values should be your #1 driver3: Living systems thinking me...

2013-06-13 23:30:14

老闆能不懂裝懂 但你一定要懂的B2B數位行銷常識

老闆能不懂裝懂 但你一定要懂的B2B數位行銷常識記者/陳緯倫電子商務時報陸續幾個月以來,我一直在討論中小企業致力於B2B國際貿易的網路行銷,其主要目的也是為了提醒資訊行銷在跨國貿易所扮演的重要角色。過去討論資...

2013-06-13 23:14:01

About "Customer relations"

Customer relationsby: Erik Sherman from: Inc.Check your customer lists--Customer information can quickly go bad as people move, change email providers, and otherwise change their habits. Check the Nat...

2013-06-11 00:07:34

4 Simple Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Valued

4 Simple Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Valuedby: Avery Augustineform: the Daily Muse 1. Be Intentional with Everyday Conversations2. Show Them that Others Need Them, Too3. Challenge Them4. Recogniz...

2013-06-08 09:57:56


專業版社交媒體小技巧EMBA雜誌編輯部/文簡單來說,LinkedIn網站是專業版的臉書,全球兩億名使用者希望在此成功建立有助於事業的人脈。美國事業生涯專家威廉絲(Nicole Williams)於富比士雜誌(Forbes)表示,使用 L...

2013-06-03 23:27:36

5 Powerful Ways Leaders Practice Patience

5 Powerful Ways Leaders Practice PatienceBy: Glenn LlopisFrom: Forbes1.See Through the Lens of Others2.Evaluate Tension Points in an Unbiased Way3.Listen and Ask Questions With a Positive Attitude4.Se...

2013-05-31 11:20:03


領導者的7次微笑 from: 經理人 by: 王志仁 《領導者的7次微笑》雖然出版上市已近20年,但對今天的領導者而言,仍非常受用。作者勞倫斯.米勒(Lawrence Miller)把公司從初創、成長、發展、擴張、成熟、衰退...

2013-05-31 11:07:42

5原則接待客戶、業務拜訪, 應對進退不失禮

5原則接待客戶、業務拜訪, 應對進退不失禮 from: 經理人 日本現代禮法研究所代表岩下宣子,接受雜誌《THE 21》採訪,分享不墨守成規,適時適地讓對方留下好印象的社交禮儀。岩下認為,禮貌的基本原則就是給予...

2013-05-29 22:30:57


創新的關鍵:策略直覺By: 吳健彰Form: mymkc概念篇『策略直覺』探索的是「創意如何產生,其發想過程為何」,將靈光乍現變得系統化且有跡可循,同時也解決了策略制定上的缺口,關鍵即為智能記憶,並透過(1)借鏡歷史典...

2013-05-28 23:22:21

6 Unique Ways to Be Successful and Happy

6 Unique Ways to Be Successful and Happyby: Steve Tobak From: Ine.Here are six ways to do that, to become successful and happy.Build real relationships. What a novel concept, right? While everyone els...

2013-05-25 01:35:45

4 Ways to Find Your Brand’s Voice

4 Ways to Find Your Brand’s Voiceby: Alex HoneysettFrom: The Daily MuseReady to start marketing your new company, product, or brand?Great! But before you create your blog, draft content for your bran...

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