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介紹英文版「井月澎湖」 by Barbara Ladouceur

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 by Barbara Ladouceur

  譯者: 李 秀









Introduction to Penghu Moon in the Well

by Barbara Ladouceur


        I have never been to Taiwan, never had the desire to visit there.  I just thought of it as a small island nation situated beside gigantic China.  And when I visualized it, I merely saw a country filled with countless factories because so many products come from Taiwan.  I did not see anything picturesque or beautiful about it.  But then I read Penghu Moon in the Well, and Louise Lee Hsiu opened my eyes to the epic history and amazing landscapes of Taiwan that I had remained totally ignorant of all my life.

        All I knew was that once upon a time Taiwan was part of China until the communists took over China and Chiang Kai Chek fled to Taiwan where he formed a separate government. But there is so much more to Taiwanese history, and I have learned about it in the most memorable way – through the experiences of individuals, rich and poor, young and old, good and bad, male and female.  This novel teems with the exciting historical events that shaped Taiwan’s destiny.  But more importantly, we get to know the generations of little girls and boys, young men and women, old women and men who struggle to keep their families alive and together, often in the midst of financial ruin and dangerous situations created by wars that go on and on between Taiwan and Japan.

        Because the unfolding saga of Prnghu parallels the domestic saga of two families, Hsiu uncovers many personal and political layers of Taiwan’s history and culture, which proves to be much more multi-faceted than I ever imagined.  From the humble fishing village of Waian on a Penghu island to the bustling Taiwanese seaport of Kaohsiung, members of the Lee and Zhu families grow up, fall in love, have children, love and protect their children who then grow up to love and protect their parents until they finally have to bury their elders and carry on their families’ legacies, passing on their parents’ teaching to their own children – a never-ending universal pattern of lives that takes place over and over again throughout the world.

        Reading Hsiu’s poetic descriptions of individual emotions that are reflected by surrounding fields, shores, seas and stars, as well as the sun and the moon, we can’t help but relate to the different forms of love and hate – between parents and children, husband and wives, sisters and brothers, and among friends, enemies and strangers. Hsiu’s novel affirms that we are all connected, for better or for worse, forever and ever.  We travel in a never-ending circle because we want to return home, to the source, to the light at the end of the tunnel. 

We take this journey with four generations of two families, and in the process, we learn that Taiwan has a much longer more complicated history than having simply broken away from China. And we now know that Taiwan is much more than a small island filled with factories.  Namely, there are the lovely Penghu Islands – over sixty of them.  Through the author’s eyes, we see their haunting beauty and long to go there; especially we would like to visit the Penghu Islands with Louise Lee Hsiu to watch and read the ocean’s movements with her and follow her along paths lined with chrysanthemums, symbols of fortitude and endeavor, which is essentially what this endlessly enlightening novel is all about.


台長: 李秀 Lee Hsiu
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