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[泳池] 前山公園游泳池

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[ swimming pool ]  Qianshan Park 前山公園游泳池

The pool belongs to the City, it is administrated by "Parks and Street Light Office, Public Works Dept. Taipei City Govt".  There are some common characters in the pools administrated by the City, they are old, poorly maintained, filled with plenty of tinkering and patches.

The water in all the open-aired pools are very warm, about 32ºC.  This is the one with fresh cooler water though the facility there is poor, it's still a good option in such hot summer days.

It's so hot today, even it's partly cloudy at noon time today, it was still as high as 35.9ºC.  Then it just came to me why not go to the pool at Yangminshan to quench the unbearable heat in the city.  

The official website says open hours till 17:30, but the lifeguard asked swimmers to leave at 16:36, almost an hour earlier than official open hours, for which I should complain to the city authority.

The water was of 25.4ºC, very enjoyable!  Apparently, I am not accustomed to that kind of temperature, so when I took the bus home, I almost dozed off.  Possible causes might be,
1. long transportation on winding road
2. big difference of temperature
3. poor acclimation 

finished Jul 4, 2014



Jul 28, 2011

受理機關: 工務局公園處
回覆機關: 工務局公園處
回覆日期: 2014/7/25
發文字號: 103.07.25 北市工公陽字第10333845900號




有關您反映「前山游泳池“開放時間”結束前一小時清場」一事,目前該泳池已由本處依據「促進民間參與公共建設法」以ROT方式委託承商經營,於契約中規定一般場次開放時間為8:30至17:30(12時至13時休息) ,中午休息時間已發函要求承商取消,並請承商儘快執行,而清場時間雖由承商自行訂定,惟提前一小時清場甚為不妥,本處於接獲您的反映後立即要求承商檢討清場時間,承商告知將於門口清楚標示開放時間與清場時間(16:30停止售票,17:00開始清場,17:30關閉泳池),並於購票時主動告知消費者說明清楚,本處除加強巡檢查核外,並請承商以服務市民為優先考量,以維護經營團隊形象,感謝您對前山游泳池之關心。


臺北市政府工務局公園路燈工程管理處處長 張郁慧敬上 

 2014.7.30  經本人實際探訪,除門口張貼的營業時間改變之外,其他一切如故。
                7.30 (Wed.) 泳客不多,一個水道最多三人。水溫  24.9ºC 

台長: frank
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