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2012-02-14 05:00:00| 人氣5,219| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[技巧] 蝶式雙臂前擺入水的動作

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The Butterfly Stroke

Similar to the breaststroke, the butterfly is also a difficult swimming technique, and not advocated for beginning learners, since it involves a fair amount of strength as well as precise timing. While performing this stroke, the legs should be moved together akin to the movements of a dolphin’s tail, the arms should also be moved together, pushing the water downwards and then backwards, while the torso moves forward in an undulating manner.

The Butterfly Swimming Technique

The Arm Strokes

  • The arms should be moved together, pulling through the water, while the hands are kept cupped. =>手腕為下彎,手掌自然用力,手指略開
  • The palms should be faced outwards and pressed in a downward as well as outward movement. => 放輕鬆,入水後手掌再翻向外側(拇指內旋)為佳。
  • The stroke is completed by swinging the arms forward in a sweeping movement while they are above the water.
The Leg Movements
  • The knees should be kept together and slightly bent.
  • Then the knees should be straightened, making a downward thrusting movement, while the feet are whipped downwards.
  • For each arm stroke two kicking movements should be performed.
How to Breathe
  • A breath should be taken at the culmination of each stroke of the arms.

之前左肩頰骨內在手臂轉到一定角度時會痛,過了許久才確定是游仰式引起的。在幾乎痊癒後,又開始練仰式,沒游多少(100m),就又復發了。幾個月後,再次嘗試游了100m,也覺得不對勁,之後便不練仰式了。現在同樣是左肩與大臂的關節處,在手臂轉到一定角度時會痛,痛點改變了,前兩三周才發現,這近幾個月來的肩痛是練蝶式造成的--雙手前擺入水時,甩得太用力了!--入水時手臂外翻得太厲害。這是刻意學 Misty Hyman 的說!我想 Michael Phelps 那種體能與訓練,我應該是學不來的,所以選擇模仿女子選手。結果是弄巧成拙!畢竟女性的柔軟度通常好過男性許多。

剛好在網路上找到 Misty Hyman 雙臂前擺入水的動作。可以明顯發現她的雙臂前擺入水時,手掌面向外翻(內旋)。

Misty Hyman 美妙的泳姿--像極了一條美人魚。

最近仔細看 Phelps, 發現他是很輕鬆的前擺,(手掌向下,雙臂入水時也呈V型,非平行);而不同於 Misty Hyman 雙臂出水後,直接甩向前,手臂外翻,入水時雙掌略為向外,雙臂平行。--又是一個用受傷換來的寶貴經驗!--左肩受傷,看來又要減少游泳次數,與每次練習的強度了。

Michael Phelps 雙手前擺入水時,是很輕鬆的前擺,手掌向下

從靜態的照片也可以發現 Phelps 他雙肘微彎,所以手臂不是一股腦的甩向前,是先抬起來出水後再前擺。

台長: frank

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