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2007-10-23 23:05:39


填入正確所有格代名詞答案 1. I am Kim. This is _____ house. 2. She is Jen. That is ____ book bag. 3. She is Mimi. They are _____ crayons. 4. He is my father. This is _____ hat. 5. We are brothers....

2007-10-23 23:02:44


受格練習(1) 1. This is my baby brother. Look at _______. 2. This is my good friend, Amy. Look at _______. 3. We are sad. Look at ______. 4. Mary is tall but John is short. Look at ______. 5. I’m...

2007-10-23 22:59:43


1. Who is the man?______ is my father. 2. Who is the woman? _______ is my sister. 3. Who are the boy and the girl? _______ are my students. 4. ____ am Jenny. _____ am six years old. 5. My father i...

2007-10-23 22:54:13


Big Cheese 大人物 big cheese是指"重量級人物",並不是指城市。big cheese看起來好像是指大乳酪,但它是形容某人是VIP、重要的人物 Good to know that you are not a fan of cheese. I love it. Here the ph...

2007-10-23 22:32:27


freeloader 白吃白喝的人 a person who uses money, food, a room in a house, etc. given by other people, but who gives nothing to them in exchange Well, a freeloader is a person who would be happy ...

2007-10-23 22:19:02


Teacher’s Pet 老師的愛徒 Today we are going to talk about being a teacher’s pet. it’s an expression we often hear in schools, especially among students. The definition of a teacher’s pet usua...

2007-10-23 15:13:50


Go grab a bite吃一點東西 it has something to do with eating. To have a bite to eat means to go and have something to eat. It usually means to have a small amount of food – so a snack or a light...

2007-10-23 14:52:57


size zero 零號 If we say someone is size zero. We mean he or she is very thin. Size zero is actually an American clothing size. To be size zero, you need to be very, very thin. Some people think...

2007-10-23 14:29:58


himbo 小白臉 Well, a himbo is a good-looking man that uses his looks to succeed or get what he wants. However, he is usually superficial and unintelligent. 形容那种虽然长得帅不过根本没有心智头脑、为...

2007-10-23 14:16:52


The Great Storm 20 years on 大風暴20周年 On 16th October 1987, southern Britain was hit by hurricane force winds, the worst storm to occur in Britain since 1703. Twenty years on, Britain is remembe...

2007-10-23 13:37:18


在貿易公司做過業務,老闆的秘書,國外商展中德英日口譯員,補習班老師,甚麼最快樂?當然是教書囉 教書最幸福的時候是教學相長. 教資優生很過癮,越聰明教愈多越快..爽 !! 可是最得意是將別人教不來的學生,一手調教得...

2007-10-23 13:13:23


”Help yourself.”自己動手 You invited some friends to come over for dinner. The dinner is ready. Everyone sits at the dinner table. As a host or a hostress, you can say: ”Help yourself.”自己動...

2007-10-23 12:52:02


I don’t buy your story我不信

2007-10-23 09:10:24


媽媽開始上補校了. 有個越南新娘叫"吳鴻海",媽媽有點不服氣,我說不然你叫"吳廣達"好了, 媽媽連忙說"不,我要叫作"吳聯發科",

2007-10-23 08:57:10

Transformers 變形金剛

Transformers 變形金剛 A Big Hit in China 在中國掀起熱潮 Transformers is a new Hollywood blockbuster which has not only taken America by storm, it has also been a number one film in China as well...

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