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2007-10-23 23:05:39| 人氣1,049| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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1. I am Kim. This is _____ house.
2. She is Jen. That is ____ book bag.
3. She is Mimi. They are _____ crayons.
4. He is my father. This is _____ hat.
5. We are brothers. This is _______ mother.
6. The dog has a tail. _____ tail is short.
7. This is Ken’s room. _____ room is a mess.
8. They study in this room. This is ________ classroom.
9. My friend is tall. ________ arms are long.
10. Jenny and Kevin are in the same class. _________ teacher is pretty.
11. We, John and Mary are students. ______ teacher is Mr. White.
12. The lion is pretty. ____ hair is yellow.

1. Kim is a nice girl. ( She / Her / She’s ) friends like her.
2. Tommy drives ( he / his / him / its ) car to school.
3. The students do ( his / her / their ) homework under the tree.
4. ( It’s / Its / I’m ) ears are long.
5. Can you see ( they / us / his ) student book?
6. ( Their / They’re / Them ) names are John and Jane.
7. Amy and ( his / its / her / our ) baby brother are at home.
8. Look at ( them / my / his ) ! They’re playing cards.
9. ( Our /They / You / she ) school is over there.
10. Let’s go to ( he / him / my / it’s) school.

台長: Miss Hong
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