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2007-12-18 00:03:48| 人氣377| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Spirit of Giving 施捨之心

donate food, clothing, toys, money or your time
donate V.捐贈
raise money 募款
collecting donations 收集捐贈品
adopted a family to buy presents for 認養一家為他們買禮物
show us your holiday spirit by ....以佳節來臨的同理心同情心去幫助他人

摘自CNN Student News:
During the holidays, students and teachers often lead the way in demonstrating what the season is really about: giving. By donating food, clothing, toys and their time, students and teachers raise awareness, money and hope.

What is your school or class doing to help others this holiday season? Are you holding a clothing drive or collecting donations? Singing carols to shut-ins? Has your class adopted a family to buy presents for?

Teachers, help your students craft their stories; students, show us your holiday spirit by sending photos and video of your class in action.

台長: Miss Hong
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