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2007-10-23 08:57:10| 人氣103| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Transformers 變形金剛

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Transformers 變形金剛

A Big Hit in China 在中國掀起熱潮

Transformers is a new Hollywood blockbuster which has not only taken America by storm, it has also been a number one film in China as well.
The film has earned over 100 million RMB and it has outdone all the other American films at the box office in China this year. It is expected to even double that figure in the future.
For those of you who might not know, transformers were famous toys back in the 1980s. They are robots that transform into things like vehicles or animals. To promote the sale of the toys back then, a television cartoon series was created, which was equally popular.
A film of the cartoon was released in 1986 called The Transformers: The Movie. That film was set 20 years in the future – in the year 2005!
This new film is a remake of the 1980s animated movie. It’s an action thriller with lots of special effects.
It’s the story of a boy Sam who buys a car, only to find out it is actually a transformer known as an Autobot. The Autobots aren’t the only Transformers though. Autobots are battling against Decepticons, both of which are made up words in English for these characters.
The biggest fans of the new film are not the kids it is aimed at – it’s actually the adults who were fans of the toys and cartoons back in the 1980s. Sales of the toys are set to increase as a result of the success of the film.
Michael Bay is the director of the film. He is known for his previous blockbusters Armageddon and Pearl Harbour. In view of the popularity of the film in China, Michael has launched a Chinese language website so he can communicate with his Chinese fans.
The film was released on 11th July in China but British Transformer fans have had to wait a little bit longer to see it. Transformers only came out in cinemas in the UK this week but it is predicted to excite the audiences just as much over here.
at the box office在票房收入中
special effects电影特技
set to应该会(增加)
taken America by storm风靡美国
to promote宣传
a remake重拍
action thriller动作片
made up虚构

台長: Miss Hong
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