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2007-10-22 17:37:16| 人氣60| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Scratchcard 彩票,刮刮卡

In Britain it’s a form of gambling. You buy a scratchcard from a newsagent or supermarket. It has a special silver outer layer which you scratch off and underneath it tells you if you have won a prize or not.
Usually, you win money – anything from £1 to thousands of pounds

Tell me are you a gambling addict?--> I don’t gamble very much. Why do you ask?


A: You look very happy today.
B: Yeah, I just won £50 with a scratchcard.
A: Lucky you!
So let’s recap what we’ve learned.
Well, I think we have run out of time again,

台長: Miss Hong
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