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2007-10-23 22:59:43| 人氣1,772| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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1. Who is the man?______ is my father.
2. Who is the woman? _______ is my sister.
3. Who are the boy and the girl? _______ are my students.
4. ____ am Jenny. _____ am six years old.
5. My father is a police officer. _____ is very tall.
6. My mother is a doctor. ____ is thin.
7. _____ have a sister. _____ is very pretty.
8. I am a student. Amy is a student, too迳.______ are students.
9. Miss Lee is a teacher. Mr. White is a teacher, too.迳 _____ are teachers.
10. You are a cook. He is a cook, too.迳 ______ are cooks.
11. Mary is a girl. Anne is a girl, too.迳____ are girls.
12. You are a boy. I am a boy ,too.迳_____ are boys.
13. She is farmer. He is a farmer, too. 迳 _____ are farmers.
14. Look at the snakes. _____ are very long.
15. Look at the dog. ____ is very cute.
16. He is my baby brother. I like _____ very much.
17. She is my teacher. I like _____.
18. I am Jenny and Sandy teacher. I like _____ very much.
19. The dog is very mean. I don’t like ____.
20. The cats are cute. I like _____.
21. I love you. Do you love ____?
22. My mother loves my sister and me. 迳 She loves _____.

台長: Miss Hong
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