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2007-10-23 22:19:02| 人氣61| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Teacher’s Pet 老師的愛徒

Today we are going to talk about being a teacher’s pet.
it’s an expression we often hear in schools, especially among students.
The definition of a teacher’s pet usually refers to a student who is popular with the teachers, and probably not popular with fellow students. Then other students might brand him or her a teacher’s pet.
And it’s not a particularly nice phrase to say to someone. It has a negative meaning.
Did anyone ever call you a teacher’s pet? And how did you react? If you did,
well, just ignore their comments. I think your classmates were just jealous of your results.
A: How did you do in your essay?
B: I got an okay grade, but Mr Jones gave Sarah Evans top marks though.
A: I’m not surprised, she’s a teacher’s pet, you know. They always give her good marks.

台長: Miss Hong
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