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2008-02-29 17:16:06 | 人氣24| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Parking chief sacked for illegal parking監

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《中英對照讀新聞》Parking chief sacked for illegal parking監督停車違規的警察首長因違規停車被炒魷魚


Rome’s mayor sacked the city’s traffic and parking chief after a newspaper reported he parked his car in a no parking zone and displayed a handicapped permit that belonged to an 86-year old woman.


Catanzaro parked his red Alfa Romeo Brera in a towaway zone near the Spanish Steps in central Rome before heading off to a restaurant last week, Roman daily Il Messaggero reported, complete with pictures from the scene.


His car displayed a permit for disabled drivers that was no longer valid and initially issued to a senior citizen, the paper said, noting that officials almost never tow away a disabled person’s vehicle no matter where it is parked.


A spokesman for Rome Mayor said Catanzaro had been removed from his post as head of the city’s municipal police force that oversees traffic and parking violations after the newspaper report.



tow away:片語,拖吊,towaway zone指拖吊區。例句:If you leave your car there, you might have it towed away by the police.(如果你把車停在那裡,可能會被警方拖吊。)

head off:片語,朝特定方向前進。例句:They decide to head off to Canada to get married.(他們決定去加拿大結婚。)

complete with:片語,具有、兼有。例句:This is a picnic complete with dancing.(這是一次兼有舞蹈活動的野餐。)





台長: 落葉之楓

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