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Lasagne recipe 千層麵

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Lasagne recipe    千層麵     

15 lasagne noodles cooked to el dente (Italian for, to-the-teeth, meaning there is still some bite left to it) and drain water off

15 張 千層麵煮到,彈牙(義大利語,有嚼勁,不軟不爛),把水濾乾

Note: The amount of lasagne noodles depends on the size of the pan and

           the amount of layers desired.

: lasagne麵的數量取決於 鍋的大小&多少層麵.

Lasagne sauce: 千層麵醬  2-9”x9”平底鍋             yield 2 -9”x9” pans

1pasta sauce,    1 can or jar pasta sauce or tomato sauce   

       或蕃茄sauce, 630 680 毫升    630 or 680 ml   

1T  義大利調味料 Italian seasoning

½ t  西香菜 parsley                                

½ t  洋茴香  dill

½ t  羅勒     basil

1 雞精塊  1 cube chicken stock

3 西洋芹菜莖 - 切丁()    1 stalk celery-med. dice

1 中型洋蔥 - 切丁()   1 med. onion-small dice

¼ t  洋蔥粉  onion powder

½ t  大蒜粉  garlic powder

2-3 大蒜 - 切末   cloves  garlic-minced

1  牛絞肉   ground beef

1 培根 (自選)  bacon (optional)

1 T  公雞牌紅色辣醬 (自選) sriracha hot sauce (optional)

2 T  蜂蜜   honey

1 T  紅糖   brown sugar

白色小蘑菇 (自選) White button mushrooms (optional)    

3 c.  mozzarella cheese   Shredded mozzarella cheese

1 c.  parmesan cheese   Shredded parmesan cheese

Optional: Diced par-boiled Zucchini in sauce or inside layers of ricotta cheese,

                  or spinach

自選:川燙過的意大粒瓜, ricotta cheese,或燙菠菜放入千層麵醬內層裡


烤好的千層麵-- PARTY 時可以提早做好






1.    Sweat  onion and celery in pot for 5 min over med heat, in water and chicken stock, add garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes

鍋內置水&雞精塊溶液, 入洋蔥&西洋芹,以中火加熱5分鐘,並加入


2.    Cook bacon in separate pan and drain fat


3.    Cook ground beef in pan and drain off fat


4.    Add tomato sauce, cooked meats, seasonings and all other ingredients and simmer, stirring frequently over low-med. heat for 20 minutes


5.    Add first layer of noodles to pan oiled or greased pan


6.    Add layer of sauce, another layer of noodles and so forth

加上一層醬,再另一層麵, 反覆這步驟… …

7.    Top lasagne with shredded moza cheese and parmesan cheese

在最上層撒上起士moza cheese & parmesan cheese

8.    Cover with tin foil and bake in 375 F oven for 40 minutes, remove tin foil and bake for another 10-15 minutes until cheese browns and bubbles

覆蓋錫箔紙,375 F40分鐘,然後拿掉錫箔紙,再烤10-15分鐘,


台長: Linda
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