Peaches Creme Brulee 桃子法式布丁
在西餐廳這可是高級甜點 不便宜喔 自己動手省很大
孩子暑假在家有時覺得無聊 不妨同動手促進親子關係 有趣又好吃難度不高的甜點



Peaches Creme Brulee 桃子法式布丁

我用的是這種甜酒 也可用Rum代替
鮮奶油4 cups cream, 薄荷葉mint leaves,
蛋黃8 egg yolks, 糖1/2cup sugar + 8tbsp (for brulee),
香草 2 tsp vanilla extract, 桃子2 peaches, 甜酒amaretto,
紅糖2 tbsp brown sugar, 奶油1 tbsp butter
1 烤箱預熱325F Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
2 把奶油 香草 薄荷葉放入鍋裡加熱煮滾 熄火放置15分鐘拿掉薄荷葉Place thecream, vanilla extract and mint leaves into a medium saucepan set overmedium-high heat and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat, cover and allow tosit for 15 minutes. Remove the mint leaves.
3 用另一鍋子混合糖+蛋黃打成蛋呈淡黃色 把做法2慢慢加入打勻小心別讓蛋熟了In a medium bowl, whisk together 1/2 cup sugar and the egg yolksuntil well blended and it just starts to lighten in color. Add the cream alittle at a time (not letting the eggs cook), stirring continually.
4 免沾鍋放入奶油+白玉桃去皮切片+紅糖稍煮再加入甜酒煮到收乾水分In a medium skillet,place skinned and sliced peaches in the pan with butter and brown sugar. Addthe amaretto and sauté until peaches are caramelized.
5把桃子排入布丁烤模底層再倒入做法3大烤盤加熱水再排入布丁杯模 熱水須有布丁杯的一半高 入烤箱烤40-45分鐘Place peaches at the bottom of the ramekins and pour in the custard.Place the ramekins into a large cake pan or roasting pan. Pour enough hot waterinto the pan to come halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Bake just until thecreme brulee is set, but still trembling in the center, approximately 40 to 45minutes.
6拿出烤好的布丁待凉放入冰箱至少冰30分鐘 食用前加糖用小型瓦斯槍將糖燒融化成咖啡色 放5分鐘上桌Remove the creme brulee from the refrigerator for at least 30minutes prior to browning the sugar on top. Use the remaining sugar and coatthe top of the custard. Using a torch,brown the top layer, caramelizing the sugar. Allow the creme brulee to sit forat least 5 minutes before serving.