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Susan Sontag-Real Battles and Empty Metaphors

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Real Battles and Empty Metaphors

九一一事件週年紀念以來,美國主流媒體中這麼多評論文章,Susan Sontag這一篇我認為是最經典也最中肯的,總算有一點自由派知識份子的味道。
她指出,美國人自上而下一直在說「對恐怖主義之戰」(War on Terrorism),其實這根本只是語言遊戲,只是要打造出一種「意象」——團結、悼念、復仇、憤恨。什麼情緒都有,就是沒有「反省」。
September 10, 2002

Real Battles and Empty Metaphors


Since last Sept. 11, the Bush administration has told the American people that America is at war. But this war is of a peculiar nature. It seems to be, given the nature of the enemy, a war with no foreseeable end. What kind of war is that?

There are precedents. Wars on such enemies as cancer, poverty and drugs are understood to be endless wars. There will always be cancer, poverty and drugs. And there will always be despicable terrorists, mass murderers like those who perpetrated the attack a year ago tomorrow — as well as freedom fighters (like the French Resistance and the African National Congress) who were once called terrorists by those they opposed but were relabeled by history.

When a president of the United States declares war on cancer or poverty or drugs, we know that "war" is a metaphor. Does anyone think that this war — the war that America has declared on terrorism — is a metaphor? But it is, and one with powerful consequences. War has been disclosed, not actually declared, since the threat is deemed to be self-evident.

Real wars are not metaphors. And real wars have a beginning and an end. Even the horrendous, intractable conflict between Israel and Palestine will end one day. But this antiterror war can never end. That is one sign that it is not a war but, rather, a mandate for expanding the use of American power.

When the government declares war on cancer or poverty or drugs it means the government is asking that new forces be mobilized to address the problem. It also means that the government cannot do a whole lot to solve it. When the government declares war on terrorism — terrorism being a multinational, largely clandestine network of enemies — it means that the government is giving itself permission to do what it wants. When it wants to intervene somewhere, it will. It will brook no limits on its power.

The American suspicion of foreign "entanglements" is very old. But this administration has taken the radical position that all international treaties are potentially inimical to the interests of the United States — since by signing a treaty on anything (whether environmental issues or the conduct of war and the treatment of prisoners) the United States is binding itself to obey conventions that might one day be invoked to limit America's freedom of action to do whatever the government thinks is in the country's interests. Indeed, that's what a treaty is: it limits the right of its signatories to complete freedom of action on the subject of the treaty. Up to now, it has not been the avowed position of any respectable nation-state that this is a reason for eschewing treaties.

Describing America's new foreign policy as actions undertaken in wartime is a powerful disincentive to having a mainstream debate about what is actually happening. This reluctance to ask questions was already apparent in the immediate aftermath of the attacks last Sept. 11. Those who objected to the jihad language used by the American government (good versus evil, civilization versus barbarism) were accused of condoning the attacks, or at least the legitimacy of the grievances behind the attacks.

Under the slogan United We Stand, the call to reflectiveness was equated with dissent, dissent with lack of patriotism. The indignation suited those who have taken charge of the Bush administration's foreign policy. The aversion to debate among the principal figures in the two parties continues to be apparent in the run-up to the commemorative ceremonies on the anniversary of the attacks — ceremonies that are viewed as part of the continuing affirmation of American solidarity against the enemy. The comparison between Sept. 11, 2001, and Dec. 7, 1941, has never been far from mind.

Once again, America was the object of a lethal surprise attack that cost many — in this case, civilian — lives, more than the number of soldiers and sailors who died at Pearl Harbor. However, I doubt that great commemorative ceremonies were felt to be needed to keep up morale and unite the country on Dec. 7, 1942. That was a real war, and one year later it was very much still going on.

This is a phantom war and therefore in need of an anniversary. Such an anniversary serves a number of purposes. It is a day of mourning. It is an affirmation of national solidarity. But of one thing we can be sure. It is not a day of national reflection. Reflection, it has been said, might impair our "moral clarity." It is necessary to be simple, clear, united. Hence, there will be borrowed words, like the Gettysburg Address, from that bygone era when great rhetoric was possible.

Abraham Lincoln's speeches were not just inspirational prose. They were bold statements of new national goals in a time of real, terrible war. The Second Inaugural Address dared to herald the reconciliation that must follow Northern victory in the Civil War. The primacy of the commitment to end slavery was the point of Lincoln's exaltation of freedom in the Gettysburg Address. But when the great Lincoln speeches are ritually cited, or recycled for commemoration, they have become completely emptied of meaning. They are now gestures of nobility, of greatness of spirit. The reasons for their greatness are irrelevant.

Such an anachronistic borrowing of eloquence is in the grand tradition of American anti-intellectualism: the suspicion of thought, of words. Hiding behind the humbug that the attack of last Sept. 11 was too horrible, too devastating, too painful, too tragic for words, that words could not possibly express our grief and indignation, our leaders have a perfect excuse to drape themselves in others' words, now voided of content. To say something might be controversial. It might actually drift into some kind of statement and therefore invite rebuttal. Not saying anything is best.

I do not question that we have a vicious, abhorrent enemy that opposes most of what I cherish — including democracy, pluralism, secularism, the equality of the sexes, beardless men, dancing (all kinds), skimpy clothing and, well, fun. And not for a moment do I question the obligation of the American government to protect the lives of its citizens. What I do question is the pseudo-declaration of pseudo-war. These necessary actions should not be called a "war." There are no endless wars; but there are declarations of the extension of power by a state that believes it cannot be challenged.

America has every right to hunt down the perpetrators of these crimes and their accomplices. But this determination is not necessarily a war. Limited, focused military engagements do not translate into "wartime" at home. There are better ways to check America's enemies, less destructive of constitutional rights and of international agreements that serve the public interest of all, than continuing to invoke the dangerous, lobotomizing notion of endless war.

Susan Sontag, a novelist and essayist, is author of the forthcoming "Regarding the Pain of Others.''

台長: 布魯斯


文章為< A New Division of Labor?
How Europe and America Can Work Together in the Middle East >, 可參照&quotWhat Europe Can Offer&quot此部分的第二段之最後三行。
2009-08-28 13:48:36
沒錯,Bush Administration很愛玩這套。反恐法讓政府大幅擴權,叫做「美國愛國者法」(空洞吧,但誰敢反對「愛國」?)侵略攻擊阿富汗叫做Operation Enduring Freedom。總統不鳥國會與法院,叫做unitary executive...從來沒有人能從字面上抓到這些措施的蛛絲馬跡...
2009-08-28 23:23:06
很愛玩這套的都是法律精英。大眾媒體管制法讓政府大幅擴權,叫做「廣播電視法」「衛星廣播電視法」(空洞吧,但誰敢反對「電視法」?NCC因應莫拉克颱風災情,配命中央災害應變中心指示要求廣電媒體依廣播電視法、衛星廣播電視法規定播送救災訊息,但18日晚間各媒體播出由中央提供內容卻充斥國防部一再強調如何努力的救災的過程,只在片尾登出「國軍站在救災第一線 官兵永遠與民眾同在」及國軍救災專線電話,此種作法幾乎完全背離國家遭遇緊急災害徵用頻道之精神。--觀媒基金會),奇怪的是,沒有法律人出面指出這種假法律之名行濫權之實的違憲行為。沒有肩膀,法律人只是資產階級法權的捍衛者。
2009-09-06 09:13:25
2009-09-06 16:57:52
Obama最近的 health care reform也有這種味道了
改革與反改革的term 就只是一種propaganda
2009-09-23 17:16:36
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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