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2016-05-02 18:13:36



2013-11-21 17:27:47

為下一代幸福站出來 湯簡如牧師


2013-11-20 18:52:15

同性戀,異性戀,聖潔性戀? 作者:袁幼軒、袁蔣朗今

過去二十年 西方的性教育充斥了性解放的意識型態; 當台灣正走向這樣的潮流,我們如何逆流而上? (本文刊於校園雜誌2013年11/12月號,感謝蒙允轉載) 同性戀,異性戀,聖潔性戀? 作者:袁幼軒、袁蔣...

2013-11-20 18:48:13

我對同性婚姻法案的看法 李鴻志牧師


2012-11-13 16:54:01



2012-09-27 14:24:31


工商時報【台北訊】英揚留學顧問有限公司(UKSTAR Education Consultancy)喬遷新辦公室!新址位在台北市大安區羅斯福路3段27號3F-1。距離台電大樓捷運站只有2分鐘的路程,加上地處人文薈萃的台大、師大附近,往後能...

2012-09-15 00:23:41



2012-09-07 22:07:01



2012-09-06 12:49:40

台灣歌仔戲團平安月大戲-約瑟的新衫 在板橋介壽公園舉辦實況


2012-09-06 11:55:14

林書豪見證分享 Part 7 - Welcome to the Family

Inviting God doesn't mean He will create Linsanity in your life. But it does mean he is going to take all things that happened and work it for good. Just like He did it for me in the depth of the ...

2012-09-06 11:52:35

林書豪見證分享 Part 6 - True Joy and Satisfaction

I felt like theSamaritan woman in the book of John.When the Samaritan woman went to well to draw water, she ran in toJesus. Jesus said to her, " everyone who drinks of the water from thiswell will be ...

2012-09-06 11:50:40

林書豪見證分享 Part 5 - Play Only for God

I remember for thefirst week I walked around with my smile entire time. And with every passing game, it's slowlyfading away. My March 11, 2012, I wrotemy diary again. I said, " I amslowly losing my ha...

2012-09-06 11:48:56

林書豪見證分享 Part 4 - 13 Miracles, God's Fingerprints

Here is a list of 13things that had to happen for Linsanity to happen.My Dad moved toAmerica, turn on the TV one day and fell in love with the game of basketball. Basically I was born in to an Asian-A...

2012-09-06 11:45:21

林書豪見證分享 Part 3 - Linsanity

By early February Istarted to hear a rumor that they are going to waive me again. I told myself that if that happen, I ameither to take one year off from basketball, or I am just to quit alltogether. ...

2012-09-06 11:42:33

林書豪見證分享 Part 2 - In the NBA

Coming out of college,I signed with Golden State Warriors. When I were at sign I remember I had mediaand lot of attention. Everyone was calling me and taxing me. And mostimportantly, I got thousand of...

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