I felt like theSamaritan woman in the book of John. When the Samaritan woman went to well to draw water, she ran in toJesus. Jesus said to her, " everyone who drinks of the water from thiswell will be thirsty again. But whoeverdrinks of the water that I'll give him, will never be thirsty again. Jesus didn't talk about literally water fromthe well. He is talking about the thingof this world. He's talking about thethings that many of us think will quench our thirst, that deepest thirst in ourheart, in our soul, to feel love, to feel joy, to feel fulfilled. It maybe one day you play video game or yougo out to drink or you're in party, or maybe you have sex, you have the bestjob or you get a promotion, but the next day, or next week, you are going towant it and do it all over again. Because that won't satisfy you forever. It's like the water from the well. I had when I thought it would satisfy me. I had my dream. Two years ago when I was stuck in the depthof the D league, all I wanted was to be to establish myself as an NBAplayer. I've done that, but that's notenough, and it didn't bring me the joy that I thought it was.
I want to share thisverse with you, Matthew 16:26, " What good will it be for a man if hegains the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchangefor his soul?" I am going to readit again, " What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world,yet forfeit his soul?" Do you guys ever think about your own soul? Imagingyou gain the whole world, everything you ever wanted, everything we talkedabout earlier. Now imaging you get adiagnosis with a terminal disease and you don't have too much longer tolive. Do you really think that thethings that you want so badly matter anymore? What do you work so hard for? Would you spend every day focusing on, that job, that money, that house,those grades? Those things aren'timportant anymore.
The thing I learnthrough Linsanity is that there is nothing that this world can offer that willprovide me with true joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction. There is only one thing that could truly andeternally satisfy you. That is JesusChrist. Jesus Christ is the water thatthe Samaritan woman wanted. That water that quenches our soul thirstforever. He is the one who came to thisearth. He died for our sins, He forgaveus our sins, and he rose from the death three days later. In doing that, he conquered death, and heoffers us salvation if we choose to believe. Inviting God to be your Lord and Savior meansa relationship with your Father. YourFather who loves you more then you can ever image. That means salvation and eternal life. Our life on earth is just a flash compare toeternity. It's so temporal and so quick,we need to think about our soul from the eternal prospective.
Today is a life ordeath matter of your soul. It's abouthaven or hell. When you die and you seeGod face to face. And when I die and Isee God face to face, and he has to decide whether he let me into the gate ofthe haven. Do you think he will careabout how many points I scored? Do youthink he will care about how popular I was or how much money I had? No, he won't. The only thing he will care about is where my heart was. If I loved him, and if I served him, ratherthan things of this world?
God wants to give youthe eternal life. He wants to give youthe true purpose and true joy that you are looking for. And He wants to give you something this worldwould never be able to give you. Andwhen you have these things and when you have God, you don't spend your time orlive your life chasing around the wrong things, and you don't fear death. The perfect life that the society preaches asnothing compare to our relationship with God. This is the perfect life. To know the God who crate the universe andlove you so much that he sent his son, to die in the most embarrassing way, forme and for you, dead and naked on the cross, in order to give us forgivenessfor our mistakes and our sins, but also to give us an eternal relationship withhim. This gift is available to everybodyhere listen. And all it takes is a verysmall step of faith.