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林書豪見證分享 Part 7 - Welcome to the Family

Inviting God doesn't mean He will create Linsanity in your life.  But it does mean he is going to take all things that happened and work it for good.  Just like He did it for me in the depth of the D league, and just like he did for me in the hight of Linsanity.  God has proved faithful to me in the high and low to my life.  And he will do the same for you.  His fingerprints are all over my life, but there are all over your life as well. 

Do you think that it's a coincident that you are here today? Hello, I am not here today so you can worship me.  I am here so you can worship Him.  I want to tell you  there is a God who love you deeply, and He's calling you right now to be His child, just like I am.  And tonight you have that opportunity to invite this God into your life and into your heart, and change your life forever.  I'd like to ask everybody to please bow your head and close your eyes.  If you want to accept God into your heart right now, please repeat after me.


"Dear God, I want to confess my mistakes and sins.  I want to acknowledge I am not perfect.  But I want to thank you for sending your son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for my sins and live in my heart, to give me salvation, eternal life, purpose on this earth, and true joy.  In your holy name I pray, Aman."


You guys could open your eyes now. 


If you accepted God into your heart today, welcome to the family.  Thank you for taking the step of faith.  Your life will never be the same.  I highly encourage those of you who just accepted Jesus Christ, and even those of you who didn't, to consider a few basic steps, to explore or to start  your relationship with God.  You can read the Bible, you can pray to God, or you can attend a church.  You can ask your believing friends for advice.  And you can spread the good news that you heard today to those around you.


But if you are already believe, I also want to challenge you today.  To honestly evaluate what you live for everyday.  What you spend your time on?  What do you think about all the time?  Do you truly live for God every day?  Or you can reprioritize the thing in your life to make God number one.  I want to encourage you guys to diligently spend your time with God.  Treat other people better than you treat yourself.  Find joy, find peace, even in the tough circumstance that the life may bring you.  Serve your church, but also serve the poor, serve the under privilege.  Serve the outcast of the society, because they need God's love just as much as we do.


If you brought non-believing family or friends today, follow up with them, encourage them and pray for them.  Lastly for everyone listening here today, I want to encourage you guys, to proactive leave love everybody around you, and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with everybody.


Thank you.

台長: 張友義

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