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林書豪見證分享 Part 4 - 13 Miracles, God's Fingerprints

Here is a list of 13things that had to happen for Linsanity to happen. 

My Dad moved toAmerica, turn on the TV one day and fell in love with the game of basketball.  Basically I was born in to an Asian-Americanfamily that loves basketball which was extremely rare when I was growing up. Igot the gene that allow me to be 6.4 feet with shoes.  And if I wear heels I will be 6.6.  I also weigh 205 pounds.  The next closest person in my family is 4inches shorter and 65 pounds less than me. And my parents are both 5.6.  Thatis another thing that had to happen for Linsanity to happen. 


Number three, I brokemy ankle my junior year that I had missed the championship game.  This was a turning point in my life becauseit taught me to stop be so arrogant. I was always be kicked out of practice andI was argue with my coach and I will never to listen anybody.  That was the bed situation that God turn it into good.


Number 4, I was tryingto go to Stanford right across the street from my high school.  But God close the door to every singlecollege that could give me athlete scholarship. And I ended up getting recruitby Hartford. And at Stanford, Landry Fields took my spot. 


And then, number 5, Ientered the NBA draft.  My best workoutwas with the Knick.  and I thought theywere going to draft me, but they took Landry. Luckily, the Mavericks offered me a summer league spot.  We called pretty much all 30 team in the NBA,and they were the only team that gave me a spot on the summer league.  I ended up injuring my Achilles, and I beganhealthy enough to play literally the day that the summer league training campstarted.


In summer league Iplayed only 5 games.  There were 29another teams in the NBA.  Which out ofthose 5 games, one of the game was against Washington Wizard.  They had the number one picking in the draftbut they took John Wall. During that game, Rodney injured his ankle. That wasthe only game that he missed in the entire summer league.  That's one game that I got to play a lot. Outof all the 20 quarters that I played in the summer league, the fourth quarteragainst Wizard was my best quarter.  Ifthose things never happened, I would never bit made it to the NBA.  


That for a year andHuston picked me up.  And that 15 playerson their after. But they want to keep me, so in order to do that they had toget rid of another player.  So for twodays they try to trade away one of their players to make a room for me.  But they weren't able to do that, and so theyended up waiving me on Christmas.  Theywere originally going to waive me on December 23.  It happened that on Christmas Iman Shumpertfrom New York Kincks hurt his knee, so New York picked me up.  If Huston waived me up on December 23, NewYork would not pick me up.  Because you onlyhave 48 hour window. So if that never happen, I were never been with Knick inthe first place. 


The last time the NBAhad lock out was 13 years ago.  NBA teamsonly play 3 games in a roll, a back to back to back, during the lock outseason.  New York only had one back toback to back. That last game of the back to back to back, was my breakoutgame.  Basically if there is no lock out,you don't play three games in a roll.  Ifyou don't play three game in a roll, I probably wouldn't play against Nets. Theyonly put me in because everyone else was so tired. Right after that game, Amar'ehad to return to Florida. And in that same game, Carmelo Anthony injured hisgroin. So for the next 7 games I was the primary option on offense.  We ended up with having a magical run and won7 in a roll.  Landry Fields, the same guywho took my spot in Stanford and New York, he ended up calling me the bestfriends on the team and backcourt teammate. 


If any one of the 13things didn't happen, there were never been Linsanity. I could understand maybe3 to 5 of them would happen, but for all 13 happen, that God work in miracle inmy life. That is God taking all things and work them for the good of those wholove him, as Roman says. You would think that after things all that God haddone for me in my life and experiencing Linsanity, I would be ecstatic andfulfilled. After all, I was on the cover of Time, I was on the cover of Sports Illustrated,and I was all over the ESPN.  We werewinning basketball games, endorsement deals were fly at me, and I went frombench warmer to starter. 

台長: 張友義
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