By early February Istarted to hear a rumor that they are going to waive me again. I told myself that if that happen, I ameither to take one year off from basketball, or I am just to quit alltogether. But on February 4th, the NewYork Knick play the New Jersey Nets. That was my breakout game. I rememberI thought that might be my last game. Andby the end of the game I was on the court screaming. And after the game when I went to shower Iwas cry with tears of joy. I know itsounds like I cry a lot, but all these times that I put them all in hereso.
At this point,everything began to make sense. Now Iknew why I was here. One crazy gameafter another that you know we won seven in the roll. This is what everybodyeventually called "Linsanity." Every games, I tried to play myhardest for God. Every game I wasthankful for whatever the result was, win or lost. I could see the hand of God in all mysuccesses during the stretch. God wassupernaturally using me on the court. In fact there were sometimes I wereliterally feel that He was using my body. I remember against Lakers I had a spin move on Derek Fisher. After Iscored I remember running back I was just laughing really hard. I was laughingbecause I've never do that move. In the next time out my assistant coach cameup to me and said, "Where did you learn that from?" The Toronto game winner, that was one forthirteen from three point at the top of the key during my entire season. Thatwas the one that I hit. After I hit that shot I started nodding my head andcelebration like this. But inside I was like, " I can't believe I hit theshot. I don't know why it wentin." Because during the summer weused to practice all types of shot and that one was my worse one. So what I am trying to just tell you guysthat God was really using me through that entire time. I didn't know I wascapable of that type of success that quickly. Actually I was shock every step of the way, and I was probably moreshock then all of you guys. I remember I tried to act very cool during theinterview, but after every game I went back to my coach, and I was startscreaming like a little girl.
During Linsanity as Ireflect on the up and down on my short NBA career, I was reminded one of myfavorite Bible verses, Roman 8:28, " And we know that in all things Godworks for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to hispurpose." And I am going to read that one more time, " And we knowthat in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have beencalled according to his purpose." It's easy to say, "all things workfor good," after a season like I had. But I can also said the same because the hand of God was within all mydisappointment and in my failure. ActuallyI can see God's fingerprints all over my life. How He turns ever situation whether I thought it was good or bed intogood. In fact I will show you what I mean.