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剛去看 Breaking News English - ESL,發現最近的一課是在講靜坐可幫助降低高血壓:

靜坐有助於降低高血壓   (2023 年 9 月 18 日)

高血壓,是心臟病的主要可預防原因。據估計,它影響著全世界 13 億人。國際高血壓協會 (ISH) 的新指南包括每天靜坐 45 分鐘以降低血壓。ISH 表示,「身心」目標應與既定建議結合採用,例如減少鹽攝取量、限制酒精攝取量和定期運動。研究的作者布萊恩威廉斯博士告訴英國廣播公司:「這一切聽起來有點…空洞,但這些東西對於減少壓力對心血管系統的影響做出了如此重要的貢獻,而且證據正在積累。”

高血壓通常被稱為“沉默的殺手”,因為它很少出現症狀。高血壓會增加心臟病、心臟衰竭和中風的風險。它每年奪走約 1000 萬人的生命。近一半的美國人和全世界 30% 的人都在與此作鬥爭。威廉斯博士說:“人們可以為自己做很多事情。我們所有人都需要退後一步……減壓並放鬆。” 美國心臟協會也表示,靜坐可以透過「無念」(排除雜念,即「止觀」的『止』) 或「寧靜的警覺」(即『觀』,靜坐時並不是睡著,仍然保持著清楚的知覺),來幫助降低血壓。該協會報告稱,許多研究顯示「讓大腦安靜」有益於心血管系統。


Meditation helps reduce high blood pressure

The Reading / Listening - Level 6

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the leading preventable cause of heart disease. It affects an estimated 1.3 billion people worldwide. New guidelines from the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) include meditating for 45 minutes each day to reduce blood pressure. The ISH says "body and mind" goals should be adopted in conjunction with established advice, like cutting down on salt, limiting alcohol intake, and exercising regularly. Study author Dr Bryan Williams told the BBC: "It all sounds like it is a bit…fluffy, but these things make such an important contribution to reducing the effects of stress on the cardiovascular system, and the evidence is accumulating."

Hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer" because it rarely presents symptoms. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, heart failure, and stroke. It kills approximately 10 million people every year. Nearly half of Americans and 30 percent of people worldwide struggle with it. Dr Williams said: "There's so much people can do for themselves. All of us need to take a step back and…decompress and just relax." The American Heart Association also says meditating can help to lower blood pressure through "thoughtful awareness" or "restful alertness". The association reports that many studies show that "quieting the brain" benefits the cardiovascular system.


International Society of Hypertension

New directions in management of high blood pressure – position paper from the ISH

15 September 2023: Mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga should be recommended to people with high blood pressure, according to a comprehensive review of lifestyle changes that can help prevent and manage the condition. 


台長: 其石山人
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2023-09-21 08:44:39
靜坐確實會產生熱,我自己有體驗。 好萊塢電影「大太陽」中,三船敏郎演的日本武士,雪中光上身靜坐,全身冒煙,看傻亞蘭德倫和查理士布朗遜。

老外研究的説法是,靜坐能讓人解壓放鬆,所以可以降血壓。哈佛醫學院多年前就研究證明過,我也是看了哈佛報告後,開始想學靜坐。 後來因緣湊巧,學到端坐椅子上就可以的「生命能」靜坐。 我太太也是學了靜坐,治癒了她嚴重的腰背痛。
2023-09-21 11:06:52
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