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國際聯合會已立即撥出港幣六百八十萬元為災區提供兩至三星期的緊急物資,並於今日從丹麥運送可供十萬人之醫療用品,其中包括可治療二千名腹瀉的藥物往最嚴重受災之斯里蘭卡。 而斯里蘭卡、印度及泰國紅十字會正積極疏散生還者,提供緊急治療,以及派發賑災物資,包括帳篷、毛氈及糧食等。 

國際聯合會總部高級衛生主任哈根(Hakan Sandbladh)表示「現在最大的挑戰是面對災區有關水源污染疾病的擴散,特別是瘧疾及腹瀉,以及呼吸道傳染病。我們特別關注到斯里蘭卡災區內醫院及衛生設施的損毀。」 


國際聯合會亞太區主管西門‧密西里(Simon Missiri)表示「災民基本需要是帳篷、毛毯、清潔食水、糧食、煮食用具及蚊帳等。此外,提供尋人服務亦是非常重要的工作之一。」

1. 直接存入「香港紅十字會南亞賑災金」
匯豐銀行 500-334149-010 恆生銀行 267-175123-009
中國銀行 806-0-003403-3 東亞銀行 514-40-66899-0

2. 劃線支票:抬頭「香港紅十字會南亞賑災金」,寄回香港夏愨道33號 香港紅十字會 國際及賑災服務部

3. 信用咭捐款:捐款表格可 按此下載

4. 網上捐款:請按此

市民查詢: 28020021 (辦公時間), 61857693 (非辦公時間)

香港紅十字會 : http://www.redcross.org.hk
紅十字會與紅新月會國際聯合會: http://www.ifrc.org







Humanitarian Assistance To The Victims of the Bay of Bengal Earthquake and Tidal Waves

The Singapore Red Cross Society in response to the call for international assistance by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, is launching a public appeal to help the victims of the Bay of Bengal earthquake and tidal waves.

As an immediate response to the disaster, the Singapore Red Cross will be sending a sum of Singapore dollars, One hundred and fifty thousand (S$150,000) to Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and India (through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies). The Singapore Red Cross is also in touch with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the national societies of all affected countries to determine what assistance is required to assist the victims.

The Singapore Red Cross hopes to raise Singapore dollars, One Million (S$1,000,000) for this appeal.

The Singapore Red Cross calls on Singaporeans and other like-minded organisations to come forward to contribute to this appeal and help the victims affected by the earthquake and tidal waves that swept across the India Ocean and affected Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Maldives, India and Sri Lanka.

The Singapore Red Cross requests donation for the affected countries. The money donated to this emergency appeal will be used to fund purchases and direct delivery of emergency items like medicine and first aid, food parcels and other relief supplies for the displaced and homeless victims.

The public can send their donations:
1) By cheque to the "Singapore Red Cross Society"
Please indicate behind the cheque "Tidal Waves Asia". Include name, address and telephone number at the back of the cheque as a receipt will be sent to you.
Post the Cheque to:
Singapore Red Cross, Red Cross House, 15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486

2) Donors may wish to come personally to make a donation (either by cash or by cheque) at the Red Cross House, 15 Penang Lane between 9.00am to 5.30pm on weekdays and from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Saturdays.

For more information, please contact us @ 6336 0269.

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台長: 超級大懶虫
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