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2006-10-10 03:30:40| 人氣118| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Today is hat day

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I wore a hat which my host mom lended to me to the school today,and someone was wearing a hat like a witch wearing ...

We had a Exchange Student Meeting on a ship which was called "the Blue Ghost"
and i met a Taiwanese guy who used to talkd with me in Mandarin
and a Korean boy,a Japanese girl ,and a guy also in my school from Gamany...etc
We heard about a ghost story last night,it’s scared me a lot

Yung , i will have a home coming dance party this Saturday,but I think i can’t find the girl who can dance with me. ha><

And I will ask my host mom and Diane that what date i will come back to Austin as soon as possible, I’m eager to see u all^^ ha

台長: 阿style烈
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

You never told me what your favorite color was @.@ and alex changed Art to PE because he doesnt have enough PE classes to graduate.

Hey, did you have school today (Monday)? because you sound as though you did. LBJ didnt have school because of a holiday so everyone stayed home.

and i dont understand, why did you have to wear a hat? was it for ”school spirit” or something? =\

^^; i hope the exhange student meet thing was a lot of fun. They gave the ship a funny name though... i think the ghost story and you being ”scared” was funny, though i think you are lying about being scared :P hah

haha, i didnt know homecoming was so early for your school. I thought you were going to come back to Austin this Saturday @.@ this makes me sad but at least you’ll be doing stuff. Hehe, you can probably find someone to go with >.< if you cant, you can just go with friends ^^; that’s really cute anyhow =D

Alex says he’s sad because he hasnt seen you in a very long time and we all want hugs because we miss you ^^

i have a picture to show you. i’ll talk to you soon! ^^ and tell me what diane and your hostmom says so we can plan stuff if you come back!! GOOD NITE! ^^
2006-10-10 10:54:21
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