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2014-11-20 15:58:18| 人氣163| 回應0 | 上一篇

Recent days, coming back from the old blog!

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Time flies by like an arrow.
I have just gone through my 25th birthday.
It's like going into another stage of my life.
Everything is changed. You have become absent in my life.
And I got to move on!

I have been elected to be the management cadre in NIA, working as a substitute service militant.
Good thing is that I got to accumulate the experience of managing and getting along well with people here. 

Hope that these things would me strong as a man. I still want to believe that as I'm aging, I could be clearer on the career path and the future plan.

That takes hard work and the determination.
I hope that everything would turn out just fine. 

Last, hard work brings success. Let's fight!
And you too, the parted one, hope you find what you are passionate about in your life.

My family members should be blessed with good health as well. 

台長: 阿style烈
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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