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2008-02-21 22:24:44| 人氣221| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

What if this earth doesn’t spin anymore February 21, 20

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Why everything has to run on it’s own way.
Why everyone always follows the rules that we think they should do?
Take everything happens in one day for example. Everybody is always happy with ones that they already have known.
Therefore I come up with a conclusion which I will say it’s true--- traditional custom, as most of the Taiwanese have.
I hate this, I can’t see what’s the future ahead, maybe I’m a coward!!

All in all, I still feel the wonderful feeling when chatting with matchable friends, that kinda feeling which always let u feel that the earth doesn’t spin anymore, doesn’t spin anymore!!

台長: 阿style烈
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