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2008-11-30 10:07:01| 人氣149| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

If I can

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If I can, I would very much be a music person that sings and composes all the time.
If I can, I wish I can be a bird that flies high in the sky.
If I can, I would like to love a girl to death.
If I can, I wish that my college life can be more splendid.
If I can, I want just one person  who knows what I'm talking about, and with the things I want to share.
If I can, I want the band that just formed can fulfill my life, furthermore, rocking the whole world.
If I can do something, I wish that all people can be my friends.
If I can do one thing, I want to laugh out loud everyday.
                     It all starts with ifs, and for those ifs, I wish they'll cherish my life entirely!!

台長: 阿style烈
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