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2008-02-21 22:23:18| 人氣87| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

An old friend that has never met for years February 10, 200

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That day u came back, who used to be my classmate, learning brushwork together.
I was playing basketball outside when I received a call from my father.
I went back home and saw u and ur sister. Realizing that u all have changed, with no exception, me too, have changed.
I broke the silence with some songs, and then getting some useful informations from ur sis.
It was fun to finally see u guys.
Today we went to play basketball together. At first, though, we ain’t have some talkative conversation.
However, though a game or so, we were just like the old us.
Playing bowling was fun too, I actually scored higher than 100 for three games straight.
The day after tomorrow is school-open day, with no doubt, nobody wants to go back to school.
Just wanna more holidays u know........................... damn~!

台長: 阿style烈
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