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2006-10-07 03:46:19| 人氣111| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

English class......make a story

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Sometimes,I want to come back to LBJ..wow

When can I come back Austin again ?.....

Today,we have to make a story about our vivid childhood experience,so I have to make effort to memorize,then i wrote down a story about a day which i fell onto the farm when i was riding a bike that i was 7 years old that time.
My host mom is a French teacher,so she told me she wrote down the new French words then put the English meaning next ,this is what she told me that I can do this to improve my English and increasing words,
I ’ll get the goal .At least I have to know a quater of words when i have to leave America next year, I hope so,Thank Yung, you keep seeing my blog every day ... ha^^

台長: 阿style烈
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

LBJ is lonely without YOU :P
it’s very boring now, Alex doesnt have Art with us anymore. He changed his schedule and now he has P.E. @.@ He doesnt like it very much. I finished my mask! (sculpture) maybe i’ll show you one day.

Your other hostmom, the ”mexican” one said she would pick you up once every two weeks on the weekend. I asked her and she said she would pick you up if you wanted her to, so you tell her when you want to come visit austin. Then maybe you can stay here for saturday and sunday then go back on sunday night to Harker Heights. I dont know but call your other hostmom!!

heh, the farm is a cute story but i think you mean ”remember” instead of ”memorize” i can see how you’d mix them up but yeah... ”remember” is the word you want to use ^^

Heng, what is your favorite color? Alex and I brought you back a lantern from our Lantern Festival (元宵節 ^^) I hope we picked the right color @.@ we wanted you to be there to celebrate with us but i remember you have something important to do Saturday. I hope you have fun at that by the way.

and YES i check your blog everyday because i dont get to see you on yahoo messenger. i am happy when you write a blog or reply to my comments because it means we still keep in contact ^^

BYE! Talk to you soon! ^^
2006-10-07 12:03:03
轉換人格 仙水
I like 元宵節
hey why did Alex change his Art class as PE?
2006-10-10 03:35:54
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