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食材小百科 No. 03

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這次的食材小百科所提到的食材, 在 [ 烤大蘑菇和炒蔬菜搭配玉米普蘭塔 ] 中有相關的使用方法.

Portobello mushroom

Portobello mushroom 是屬於一種大型的蘑菇, 屬於真菌類, 是一種生物。最常見的真菌是各類蘑菇,蕈類包括菌柄、菌蓋和產生孢子的菌褶等三個部分。菌蓋高於地面,這樣散落的孢子就可以被空氣氣流帶走。菌柄的底部有許多叫作菌絲的細線,蕈類就是通過它們來尋找養料的。

The Portobello mushroom (sometimes portobella) is a large brown strain of the same fungus, left to mature and take on a broader, more open shape before picking. Portobello mushrooms are distinguished by their large size, thick cap and stem, and a distinctive musky smell. Because of their size and the thickness of their fleshy caps, these mushrooms can be cooked in a range of different ways, including grilling and frying.


Ratatouille 在傳統的法國菜中是屬於可以當做主菜的 [ 燉蔬菜 ]
也可以說是以番茄為主的橄欖油炒蔬菜. 主要的食材為 : 番茄, 義大利小胡瓜, 茄子, 和甜椒. 不但可以做為主菜的 Ratatouille , 在法國料理中 也常常被拿來當做配菜. 而在非餐飲的用途 Ratatouille 這個字在英文中代表 [ 豐富的顏色 ],

Ratatouille is a traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish which can be served as a meal on its own (accompanied by rice, potatoes, or simply French bread), or as a side dish. Tomatoes are a key ingredient, with onions, zucchini (courgettes), eggplant (aubergine) and sweet peppers (capsiscums) also typically included. All are sautéed in olive oil.

The name of the dish appears to derive from the French touiller, to stir, although the root of the first element "rat-" is unknown. The word ratatouille has also come to be used in non-culinary contexts in English to refer to a (generally colourful) mixture of any kind.

普蘭塔 ( Polenta )
一種用玉米粉和水 或 高湯所做出來的麵團
通常壓成圓餅狀再烤過. 在許多國家是生活中的主食之一
A thick mush made of cornmeal boiled in water or stock.

玉米粉 - 一種將乾燥的玉米研磨出來的麵粉, 在許多的國家是和麵粉一樣重要的生活必需品.
Cornmeal is flour ground from dried maize (corn) with usage ranging from bread to pesticides. It is a common staple food in many regions of the world.

一種乾燥的玉米或 玉米薄片, 一開始在中美洲被稱做 Maize , 但是在美國, 加拿大, 和澳洲, 被統稱 [ 玉米 ], 但是當看到 Maize 的時候, 通常是 [ 乾燥過 ] 的玉米.
Maize is a cereal grain that was domesticated in Mesoamerica. It is called corn in the United States, Canada, and Australia, but in other countries that term may refer to other cereal grains.

相關圖片可以在 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/bluecfish&article_id=3562756

台長: 藍色起士魚
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