『To where you are』這首歌是Josh Groban唱的,第一次在收音機裡頭聽到,心跳就莫名其妙地狂烈起來,甚至感覺到了血液在臉上的微血管中不受控制地亂竄,整張臉,只因為這個捲毛男孩的聲音,而發燙。
Who can say for certain, maybe you’re still here ...
I feel you all around me, your memory so clear.
Deep in the stillness I can hear you speak.
You’re still an inspiration ~ can it be that you are mine, forever love.
And you are watching over me from up above.
Fly me up to where you are beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight to see you smile,
if only for a while to know you’re there; a breath away is not far to where you are.
Are you gently sleeping here inside my dream and isn’t faith believing all power can’t be seen.
As my heart holds you, just one beat away, I cherish all you gave me every day.
Because you are mine, forever love, watching me from up above.
And I believe that angel’s grieve, as our love will live on and never leave.
Fly me up to where you are beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight to see you smile,
if only for a while to know you’re there; a breath away is not far to where you are.
I know you’re there; a breath away is not far to where you are.