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Please note the following Taiwanese friends
Please note that regardless of men and women
1. Taiwan foreign workers and servants will spread on the Internet occasionally cellulitis are all maggot wound film photos, looked like the shower, he'll stick in your FACEBOOK, crazy threaten you, mostly Thai nickname .
Encountered this kind of thing without fear, and do not provoke other users, before the first direct delete photos he lifted theft friends relationship, then remember to remove the essay before the blockade threat message, in fact, Taiwan's traditional culture, it is a malicious dissemination unfortunate customs, so please do not be nervous, just back with a mug shot blocked him, and warn the people around, all right. (because too many anonymous Internet with stolen photos)


2. Taiwanese students with disadvantaged groups Note ....
Take the bus when, please check with the place of a good time to reach the ride class number, some unscrupulous drivers will cheat you on the train say there reached that place, his sheer boredom lie to you, or cheat money card money, please be aware from wrong, strange bus ride each way, please note whether street names are right, then take it easy, get off, return, or taxi to leave immediately, to ensure safety.


3. Note that online shopping safety, Do not brush parents take credit cards, or help just met her boyfriend a credit card.


4. Note that Internet fraud photographer, amateur photographer, in fact, some even monocular can be used now leased to deceive your nude, threatening to spread, with your money, it is blackmail, with fraud, be sure to a message with the phone, the COPY Shaoanwuzao up and handed over to police after, if the police ought police can go to court for French help center, to help you ferret out suspects


台長: 泉姐♥Lolly Tseng(野口小波)
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