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華爾街日報:中印21世紀較勁 趨白熱化

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* 中央社╱紐約23日專電 2009/10/23




這篇發自印度的報導,引述前印度國安顧問米西拉(Brajesh Mishra)說,「中國想要成為老大,這是中國、印度和美國之間矛盾的根源」。


華爾街日報指出,在美國總統歐巴馬稍後訪問中國之後,美國將安排印度總理曼莫漢(Manmohan Singh)訪問白宮,強化彼此增強中的「戰略夥伴關係」。事實上,美、印在商務及軍事交流關係持續強化中,包括允許印度購置敏感的科技與民用核設備,兩國也共同進行軍演。


印度智庫「地面戰爭研究中心」(Center for Land Warfare Studies)主任坎瓦(Gurmeet Kanwal)說,「如果中國和平崛起,並融入全球經濟體系,一切都好說。但中國要是發難,最好還要能有一位像美國這樣的朋友」。



Asia leaders press free trade, US role uncertain
* Japan says US involvement important
* Australia pushes for broader Asia-Pacific grouping
* Any new bloc is far off: analyst
HUA HIN - Japanese and Chinese leaders entered talks on Saturday with their Asian counterparts focused heavily on whether the region should pursue an EU-style bloc, and whether Washington should be involved.
Japan is stressing that Washington is important to its idea of forming an East Asian Community when, as Japanese officials pitch the concept at a summit of 16 Asia-Pacific leaders in the Thai resort town of Hua Hin, a top government official said.

'The US involvement will be very important,' Japan's Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Yorihisa Matsuno told reporters on a flight to Thailand, referring to what Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama plans to tell his Asian counterparts at the meetings.

Mr Hatoyama plans to stress that the US-Japan alliance would remain the foundation of Tokyo's diplomacy, Mr Matsuno said.

The talks are part of a three-day leaders summit which got off to a rancorous start on Friday, marred by diplomatic tension, a budding trade feud and a few no-shows in the 10-member Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean).

That bloc meets on Saturday with China, Japan and South Korea in an 'Asean+3' forum that gives Asia's economic titans, China and Japan, a chance to jockey for influence over trade agreements and investment opportunities in Southeast Asia, a region of 570 million people with a combined US$1.1 trillion economy.

Japan's newly minted government sees its influence bound to an East Asian Community, an idea for a new regional trading bloc inspired by the European Union and including India, Australia and New Zealand, along with Asean countries.

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd plans to push another idea at the summit centred around a new forum of Asia-Pacific nations and the United States for dealing with economic, security, environmental and political crises, according to Australian media.

Washington has expressed concern over being excluded from such groupings, especially as Japan's new leaders vow to steer a diplomatic course less dependant on its closest security ally, while seeking to deepen ties with Asian neighbours.

US Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell told reporters in Beijing this month that 'critical dialogues that touch on security, economic, and commercial issues should involve the United States'.

Uncertain US role
Accounting for nearly a quarter of global economic output, an East Asian Community could overtake Asean's existing trade ties with Japan, China and South Korea, but would also compete with the 'Group of 20', which anointed itself last month as the pre-eminent forum for global economic coordination.

Exactly how Washington would participate is uncertain.

Asked if US involvement meant Washington will be a member of the Community, a Japanese government official told reporters in Thailand on Saturday: 'It remains unclear. We have to see how multilateral meetings will turn out today.'

In Tokyo, the move is seen as an attempt by Japan to ease growing worries about friction over the long-planned reorganisation of the US military presence in Japan, the first big test of ties between Washington and Japan's month-old government.

China has been cool to the idea of a community, wary it could promote Japanese influence at a time Beijing is rapidly expanding trade, investment and diplomatic links across Southeast Asia - from building sleek new government offices in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh to working closely with reclusive Myanmar.

'China wants to establish healthy relations with the new government in Japan, so it is not going to object to discussing this idea,' said Shi Yinhong, a regional security professor at Beijing's Renmin University.

'But everybody understands the idea of an East Asia Community is extremely far off,' he added.

Leaders from across Asia arrived at the beach resort under a blanket of security, including a security force of 18,000 backed by a handful of military gunships, with host Thailand determined to avoid a rerun of embarrassing mishaps at past summits.

The summit was initially scheduled for December last year but was postponed when anti-government protestors shut down Bangkok's airports. It was moved to the Thai resort area of Pattaya in April but was subsequently aborted when a rival protest group broke through police and army lines and stormed the summit venue.

China, India hold 'productive' talks amid spat: official
* AFP 2009/10/24 

HUA HIN - Chinese premier Wen Jiabao and his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh held 'productive' talks in Thailand on Saturday but did not discuss their ongoing diplomatic spat, an official said.

The pair met on the sidelines of a regional summit in the coastal resort of Hua Hin grouping the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Japan.

At the bilateral talks, which lasted 45 minutes, there was a 'good discussion, a productive meeting and they agreed to further strategic and co-operative partnership', an Indian delegation official told AFP.

Mr Wen and Mr Singh also sought to 'build trust and understanding', the official added, but he said they did not discuss the disputed Indian border state of Arunachal Pradesh or the Dalai Lama's upcoming visit there.

Beijing has voiced its opposition to next month's trip planned by the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, as well as a recent visit by Mr Singh to the border state while he was on the campaign trail before local elections.

The two nations fought a war in 1962 in which Chinese troops advanced deep into the border state and inflicted heavy casualties on Indian troops.

India says China occupies 38,000 square kilometres of its Himalayan territory, while Beijing claims all of Arunachal Pradesh, which covers 90,000 square kilometres.

Despite trading jabs over the long-standing territorial issues, China and India on Wednesday signed a five-year agreement to cooperate on climate change leading up to crucial talks in Copenhagen.

As Saturday's talks began, Mr Wen said they had 'reached important consensus on promoting bilateral ties', according to Chinese state news agency Xinhua.

'I believe that our two countries could maintain a good relationship in the future, which conforms with the interests of the two countries and I have confidence about that,' he added.

'We share with the Chinese people their pride of success,' Mr Singh was then quoted as saying by the news agency.

At the Hua Hin summit, the 16 Asian nations are discussing plans to boost economic and political cooperation and possibly forming an EU-style community.

* 葛馬萬 2009/10/21

葛馬萬(Pankaj Ghemawat)以「永續經營」以及「競爭動態」等傑出研究成果,獲得哈佛商學院永久教職,他也成為哈佛商學院有史以來獲得這項殊榮的最年輕的教授。許多人主張國界逐漸消失,《地球是平的》儼然成了新世界宣言。但世界仍然是圓的,自始至終都稱不上是平的。全球化至今也只實現了十分之一,而百分之十的全球化,從來就不是全球化;加上文化、政府/行政、地理,以及經濟等因素,造就了全球漸行漸遠的四種距離,各國之間差異之大,超乎一般大眾的想像。

● 從美國的角度看印度vs.中國




政府要素:印度與美國都曾經是英國的殖民地,所以有許多相似之處。其中最重要的一點就是,這兩個國家的法律體系都是根據英國的普通法(common law),重視先例與引用。中國的法律系統正好相反,是以民法(civil law)為主——德國版——強調的是絕對原則,所以沒有必要隨著背景情況調整。此外,美國與印度之間目前的政治關係非常緊密。這個情況雖然可能會有所改變,但可以確定的是,中國和美國之間政治緊繃的氣氛,至少還會繼續好幾十年。


地理要素:印度的清奈(Chennai)和美國貨運港口——加州長灘(Long Beach)的距離,比上海遠百分之六十。不過船運距離並不是印度物流唯一的問題:印度的港口運作缺乏效率、緩慢,使得船運到美國所需的估計前置時間多達六到十二個禮拜,中國只要二到三個禮拜,這一點充分凸顯出印度基礎建設相對較差的問題。











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