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* 朱文章(作者是陸軍官校語言中心主任)

現代商品生命周期短,企業靠大量生產、降低售價,大打價格戰,來獲取利潤。「藍海策略」(Blue Ocean Strategy)這本書強調不靠競爭取勝,鼓吹企業價值的重塑和創新,以改造市場疆界、超越現有需求。

已往企業強調競爭,遭逢瓶頸時唯一的思維就是加倍努力,屢敗屢戰(When the going gets tough, the tough get going.),即使血流成河,再所不惜;新思維則是轉個彎,跳脫競爭者魔咒,開創無人競爭的全新市場,也就是新創生存或活動空間(wiggle room )。

例:”John is tough and is ready to get going. His way to overcome adversity is to try harder.”「他是條硬漢子,不達目的絕不善罷甘休。」

”When a crisis happens, we need to cre-ate more wiggle room in our company.”「危機一旦發生,我們就要設法找出騰挪的空間。」

這本書取名「藍海」(blue ocean),取其義既深且廣,但英文另有一詞「藍海」(blue sea),卻有「絕境」之意:如「左右為難」(between the devil and the deep blue sea),人若身處地獄之火(devil)及會淹死人的深水(blue sea)中間,當然進退維谷,左右為難。相同的說法還有”between two fires”或”between the rock and the hard place”等。

■ 面面俱到 執行不易

企業經營當然想發展出大小通吃、老少咸宜的產品(household name),但實際上想要面面俱到(please everybody all of the time)有其困難,因為資源有限,競逐無窮。

例:” Bae has become a household name for his role in Winter Sonata, a soap opera which scored huge ratings.”「裴勇俊演出偶像劇冬季戀歌一砲而紅,成為家喻戶曉的人物。」

”You can never please everyone all of the time. It is never true when it comes to where you are going to spend the holidays.”「討論去那裏度假,通常都會產生順了姑意失嫂意的局面。」



■ 騎牆派 見鬼說鬼話

這番話,既不得罪衛道之士,也沒有惹毛酒商,從此,「說到威士忌」(If by whiskey)就成了「兩面討好」的說法。”fence sitter”、”chameleon”或”whichever way the wind blows”也有相同的意義。

例:”He is a real fence sitter(or chameleon), changing his tune with each different audience.” 「他是騎牆派,只會見鬼說鬼話。」

”You can be sure that he will vote whichever the way he thinks the wind is blowing.” 「希旨承風是他的拿手好戲。」

”After hearing so many buts in his words, we realize he has just made an if-by-whiskey speech!”「說了這麼多但書,我們才知道他根本沒有當真。」


”The burden of this preferential interest rate for government retirees is placing too great a pressure on the treasury. We cannot let this monthly pension for a few bankrupt us all. But we must also aware that we made a promise to these people. We must not go back on our word and break our promise to them, because their futures are staked to what we promised.” 「我們必須認清,優惠利率已經嚴重地影響我們的財政收支了,我們不能讓優惠利率拖垮;但我們也絕不能忘了,這是我們當年對他們的承諾。我們不能失信於民,因為這是他們安養天年的老本。」

【2005/11/06 經濟日報】

台長: 台北光點
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