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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2013-01-04 21:17:50

[UVA][幾何] 10613 - Mushroom Misery

Problem E Mushroom Misery Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Time Limit: 2 Seconds The Institute of Ubiquitousness in Lichtenstein, LIU, conducts a project where the effect...

2013-01-04 15:39:41

[UVA][掃描線] 972 - Horizon Line

Problem A - Horizon Line Let f(x) and g(x) be two functions defined in the same domain [a,b]. The horizon line corresponds to the function that presents, in each point x, the maximum value from...

2013-01-04 15:22:12

[UVA][Trie][大數] 12333 - Revenge of Fibonacci

I: Revenge of Fibonacci The well-known Fibonacci sequence is defined as following: F(0) = F(1) = 1 F(n) = F(n - 1) + F(n - 2)n2 Here we regard n as the index ...

2013-01-03 22:03:00

[UVA][拓樸排序] 1119 - Project File Dependencies

Project managers, such as the UNIX utility make,are used to maintain large software projects made up frommany components.Users write a project file specifying which components(called tasks) dependon o...

2013-01-03 20:55:20

[UVA][線段交] 10902 - Pick-up Sticks

Problem C: Pick-up sticks Stan has n sticks of various length. He throws them one at a time on the floor in a random way. After finishing throwing, Stan tries to find the top sticks, that is ...

2013-01-03 20:26:07

[UVA] 782 - Contour Painting

Contour Painting A contour of points is represented on a two dimensional (2D) grid as illustrated in figure 1. The points of the contour are specified by the same character which can ...

2013-01-03 15:57:40

[UVa][日期計算][JAVA] 11356 - Dates

D NEXT generation Contest - 4 Time Limit – 2 secs Dates 30 days has September, April, June and Nove...

2013-01-02 19:42:49

[資料結構][作業] 霍夫曼編碼

作業內容: 建構一個Huffman tree 並將依照輸入的元素以及其頻率(頻率為小數模式且其總和為1) 透過Huffman coding將其編碼 並輸出編碼 ※請注意編碼時頻率較低的一邊應將其編為0 (例如:a 0.25 b 0....

2013-01-02 07:44:07

[2013/1/1] 新的一年


2013-01-01 09:22:47

[UVA][greedy+并查集] 1316 - Supermarket

A supermarket has a set Prod of products on sale. It earns a profit px for each product x in Prod sold by a deadline dx that is measured as an integral number of time units starting from the mo...

2013-01-01 09:10:39

[UVA][bfs] 11049 - Basic wall maze

2006/2007 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest University of Ulm Local Contest Basic wall maze In this problem you have to solve a very simple maze consisting of: a 6 by 6 gr...

2012-12-31 21:12:37

[UVA][倒水問題][dfs] 10603 - Fill

Problem D Fill There are three jugs with a volume of a, b and c liters. (a, b, and c are positive integers not greater than 200). The first and the second jug are initially empty, whil...

2012-12-31 20:22:01

[UVA][KM算法] 10746 - Crime Wave - The Sequel

Problem G Crime Wave – The Sequel Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Time Limit: 2 Seconds n banks have been robbed this fine day. m (greater than or equal to n) polic...

2012-12-31 20:19:26

[ZJ][KM算法] d210. 老問題

內容 : 這是個困擾人類數萬年的問題:如何使每個人找到最適合的伴侶?好的對象人人追求,因此追求失敗的比例永遠超過成功率。許多人被迫選擇心目中較差的對象,也產生了大量不美滿的婚姻。姑且假...

2012-12-31 12:01:07

[ITSA桂冠][n維堆] a574. ITSA2012 桂冠 n維區間查詢

內容 : n維區間查詢 Background由於在賽後無法得到題目描述與測資,小光盡可能地將原本題目描述清楚。 The Problem什麼是 n 維區間查詢呢?對於一個資料庫有很多筆 n 維的資料,一筆資料的維度 ...

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