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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2013-02-23 13:55:25

[UVA][dfs][關燈] 10309 - Turn the Lights Off

Problem J Turn the Lights Off Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 3 seconds Memory Limit: 32 MB Since we all rely on mother earth, it's our duty to save...

2013-02-23 12:24:27

[UVA][dp] 10532 - Combination! Once Again

Problem B Combinations, Once Again Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Time Limit: 2 Seconds Given n objects you'd have to tell how many different groups can be chosen if r ...

2013-02-23 11:29:09

[UVA] 10576 - Y2K Accounting Bug

Problem B: Y2K Accounting Bug Accounting for Computer Machinists (ACM) has sufferred from the Y2K bug and lost some vital data for preparing annual report for MS Inc. All what they rememb...

2013-02-23 10:22:06

[UVA][中國餘數定理] 756 - Biorhythms

Biorhythms Some people believe that there are three cycles in a person's life that start the day he or she is born. These three cycles are the physical, emotional, and intellectual cycles, and...

2013-02-23 09:46:21

[UVA][RGB] 10823 - Of Circles and Squares

Problem D Of Circles and Squares Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output We have placed a number of circles and squares on an infinite stretch of a 2D plane. These circles and...

2013-02-23 09:02:43

[UVA][strcasecmp] 11056 - Formula 1

Problem A – Formula 1 Time Limit: 1 second It’s time for a new Formula 1 race and the board of directors decided that it’s also time for a new chronometer system. They bought all the ultra-m...

2013-02-22 22:08:32

[ZJ] a631. 11. LED Decoder

內容 : 有些 LED 系統用線段來表示字元,就像某些計算機或加油機一樣。假設我們就有一個這樣的 LED 系統,其中每個標準的英文字母都是由 10 個可能的線段來組成,這些線段的編號如右圖:例 如,...

2013-02-22 22:07:09

[ZJ][模擬] a632. 12. Domino Rally

內容 : 骨牌有一個流行的變化玩法,就是將一些 (隨機選取) 骨牌平放,一個一個頭尾相接,然後將兩個相接的點數相同 (由左至右尋找) 的骨牌移除。以下面六張骨牌為例。原本抽出了六張骨牌。要注意...

2013-02-22 22:03:22

[ZJ][bfs, dfs] a634. 14. Knights Path

內容 : 在西洋棋中,騎士的走法獨特而有趣。它只能沿著一個「L」形路徑走,先垂直或水平走兩格,然後向左或向右轉90度後再走一格。右圖顯示一個標準的 8×8 棋盤,有一個騎士在 c6 這一格。從這個位置,...

2013-02-22 20:52:30

[ZJ][heap] a605. 交錯和

內容 : 給定一個整數數列 <an>,考慮下標數列 <bm>,其中 m≠0 且 1≦b1<b2<...<bm≦n,我們定義交錯和 σb = ab1-ab2+ab3-ab4+...。已知 bi+1-bi≦δ,試求 σb 的最大值。 輸入說...

2013-02-21 22:55:33

[UVA][凸包關係、射線法、線段交] 10256 - The Great Divide

Problem K The Great Divide Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 8 seconds Memory Limit: 32 MB Somewhere in Gaul, there is a little village very like the v...

2013-02-21 19:54:51

[UVA][射線法] 634 - Polygon

PolygonModern graphic computer programs can, among other, even more stunningcapabilities, fill a closed region. Though not all of them can protect theuser from accidentally choosing to fill the backgr...

2013-02-21 19:52:55

[UVA][射線法] 11030 - Predator II

Problem D Predator II Time limit: 2 seconds Oh No!!! The predator has entered the room again. But thistime it is a different kind of room.The room is a square of size10000 X 1...

2013-02-21 08:33:29

[ZJ][多邊形面積] d546. 3. 剪多邊形(molding)

內容 : 台北禮品公司聘請多位藝術家手繪各種俱備美感的吊飾,一旦某個設計經過市場調查確定量產時,就需要進行開模作業。開模作業已經自動化。首先機器手臂A會將吊飾輪廓先描繪至壓克力片上,描...

2013-02-21 07:57:37

[UVA][簡單多邊形面積] 10065 - Useless Tile Packers

Problem A Useless Tile Packers Input: standard input Output: standard output Yes, as you have apprehended the Useless Tile Packers (UTP) pack tiles. The tiles are of uniform thick...

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