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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2013-03-26 09:42:05

[UVA][中國直式開方、二分、萬進] 10023 - Square root

Square root The ProblemYou are to determinate X by given Y, from expression The InputThe first line is the number of test cases, followed by a blank line. Each test case of the inp...

2013-03-26 09:26:57

[MIPS] 巴斯卡三角形 pascal\'s triangle

題目內容:印出巴斯卡三角形使用遞迴找出巴斯卡三角形中第(n,k)個值填入特定位置。改寫的 C/C++ 代碼 如下。#include <stdio.h>int pascal(int n, int k) { if(k == 0 || n == k) return 1; return pascal(n-1...

2013-03-26 08:41:00

[MIPS] 泡泡排序 Bubble Sort

題目內容: Bubble sort and Finding median首先宣告一個 11 個 word 大小的記憶體區段做為 array 使用.dataarray: .word 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0size: .word 11其中 array 中有 11 個零,代表 array 中 11 個變數的初...

2013-03-25 14:41:16

[編譯器][作業][2014Update] NFA to DFA

Input範例檔1:NFA.txt (l,a,b,2) ----> l (英文字母)表示lambda, 2表示只有兩種input(2,0)(3,0)(0,0)(0,0)(4,5)(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)(4,0)(0,0)(5,0)(5,0)(*,*)(*,*)(*,*)Output範例檔1:DFA.txt (a,b)(1,2)(*3,4,5)(...

2013-03-25 07:53:44

[UVA][窮舉] 11961 - DNA

K— DNA Time Limit: 1 sec Memory Limit: 32 MB Alan was comleting his internship at chemistry faculty. At the beginning internship seemed to be easy. However one day dean of the faculty o...

2013-03-24 22:37:20

[UVA][dp] 11951 - Area

A— Area Time Limit: 1 sec Memory Limit: 32 MB Steve has a dream to move from dormitory where we live now to a private house. He has already earned some money by solving various problems...

2013-03-24 20:02:10

[組合語言][作業] convert pattern (binary to string)

作業內容: —(10分) Design any 8x8 bit icon with 0,1-pattern, and saved in BStrs (BStr0~BStr7). —(20分) A procedure: Convert 0 to blank and 1 to x for each bit in BStrs to the corresponding...

2013-03-24 15:53:33

[UVA][四分樹][懶操作] 11992 - Fast Matrix Operations

Problem F Fast Matrix Operations There is a matrix containing at most 106 elements divided into r rows and c columns. Each element has a location (x,y) where 1<=x<=r,1<=y<=c. Ini...

2013-03-23 08:28:02

[MIPS] 輸入、輸出數字範例

程式操作很簡單,輸入十一個數字於陣列中,並將這十一個數字輸出。使用 QtSpim 操作環境。#include <stdio.h>int main() { int array[11], size = 11; int *t1 = array, t2 = size; int t0 = 0, v0; int s0 = ...

2013-03-22 18:13:31

[Notepad++] 增加 MIPS 的 highlight

Notepad++ 沒有內建 MIPS 語言的highligh,因此我們要自己利用user define新增,不過已經有人給現成的,那我們可以直接用。做法如下:在 "%APPDATA%\Notepad++"下找到'userDefineLang.xml",開啟它,貼上原始文章中自...

2013-03-22 09:16:25

[UVA][塊狀][JAVA] 100 - The 3n + 1 problem

The 3n + 1 problem Background Problems in Computer Science are often classified as belonging to a certain class of problems (e.g., NP, Unsolvable, Recursive). In this problem you will be anal...

2013-03-22 09:09:17

[ZJ] a647. 投資專家

內容 : John是一個赫赫有名的藝術品投資專家,每個月都會計算藝術品投資的盈虧,以審視其獲利。John每個月月底,即開始計算其每一件藝術品的獲利狀況。由 於藝術品的種類繁多,John每個月總是...

2013-03-22 08:41:12


[UVA][塊狀鏈表] 11922 - Permutation Transformer[ZJ][塊狀鏈表] a063. SGU 187. Twist and whirl - want to cheat以下代碼是 ZJ a063#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>#include <algorithm>u...

2013-03-22 08:38:00

[UVA][塊狀鏈表] 11922 - Permutation Transformer

Permutation Transformer Write a program to transform the permutation 1, 2, 3,..., n according to m instructions. Each instruction (a, b) means to take out the subsequence from the a-th to t...

2013-03-22 08:33:45

[ZJ][塊狀鏈表] a063. SGU 187. Twist and whirl - want to cheat

內容 : A well-known sharper I*** invented a new way to swindle people. There are N thimbles on the table, and there is a small ball with the number under each of them. The ba...

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