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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2011-12-15 18:07:49

[UVA] 11732 - strcmp() Anyone?

J “strcmp()” Anyone? Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output strcmp() is a library function inC/C++ which compares two strings. It takes two strings as input parameter anddecides whic...

2011-12-14 23:05:22

[UVA] 10177 - (2/3/4)-D Sqr/Rects/Cubes/Boxes?

Problem J(2/3/4)-DSqr/Rects/Cubes/Boxes?Input: standard inputOutput: standardoutputTime Limit:2 secondsYou can see a (4x4) grid below.Can you tell me how many squares and rectangles are hidden there? ...

2011-12-14 23:04:00

[UVA] 11332 - Summing Digits

Problem J: Summing DigitsFor a positive integer n, let f(n) denote the sum of the digitsof n when represented in base 10. It is easy to see that the sequence ofnumbers n, f(n), f(f(n)), f(f(f(n))), ....

2011-12-11 15:04:11

[給學弟們看] 我的資工系大一"上"課表

時間 星期一 12 月 5 星期二 12 月 6 星期三 12 月 7 星期四 12 月 8 星期五 12 月 9 8:00AM CSE 1010R - 1001普通物理學講演課8:10AM - 9:00AM理學大樓 S102 GELA 1002R - 1023大學...

2011-12-10 07:25:39

[UVA] 429 - Word Transformation

Word Transformation A common word puzzle found in many newspapers and magazines is the word transformation. By taking a starting word and successively altering a single letter to make a new word...

2011-12-10 07:23:22

[UVA] 280 - Vertex

Vertex Write a program that searches a directed graph for vertices which are inaccessible from a given starting vertex. A directed graph is represented by n vertices where , numbered conse...

2011-12-09 10:37:32

[UVA] 12347 - Binary Search Tree

A binary search tree is a binary tree that satisfies the following properties: · The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key. · The right subtree of a...

2011-12-08 21:15:14

[UVA] 10653 - Bombs! NO they are Mines!!

Problem C Bombs! NO they are Mines!! Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 4 seconds It's the year 3002. The robots of "ROBOTS 'R US (R:US)" have taken control o...

2011-12-08 09:21:40

[UVA] 484 - The Department of Redundancy Department

The Department of Redundancy Department Write a program that will remove all duplicates from a sequence of integers and print the list of unique integers occuring in the input sequence, along with...

2011-12-05 20:42:23

[筆記] Unicode In C/C++

專案屬性選擇「使用 Unicode 字元集」。#include <tchar.h>。用 _tmain 代替 main。用 TCHAR 代替 char。字串前後加上 _T( ),字元前後也加上 _T( )。使用 tcsXXX 系列的字串函式取代 strXXX。使用 _tXXX 系列...

2011-12-04 14:50:11

[UVA] 11235 - Frequent values

2007/2008 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest University of Ulm Local Contest Problem F: Frequent valuesYou are given a sequence of n integersa1 , a2 , ... , anin non-decreasing order. In...

2011-12-04 08:06:26

[UVA] 681 - Convex Hull Finding

Convex Hull Finding Given a single connected contour, which is either convex or non-convex (concave), use any algorithm to find its Convex Hull, i.e., the smallest convex contour enclosing t...

2011-12-03 19:22:58

[UVA] 12372 - Packing for Holiday

Mr. Bean used to have a lot ofproblems packing his suitcase for holiday. So he is very careful for thiscoming holiday. He is more serious this time because he is going to meet his fiancéeand he is al...

2011-12-03 19:21:51

[UVA] 12195 - Jingle Composing

A. C. Marcos is taking his first steps in the direction of jingle composition. He is having some troubles, but at least he is achieving pleasant melodies and attractive rhythms. In music, a no...

2011-12-03 19:20:14

[UVA] 12068 - Harmonic Mean

Output For each set of input produce one line of output. This line contains the serial of output followed by two integers m and n separated by a front slash. These two numbers actually i...

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