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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-02-29 08:08:31

[UVA] 11456 - Trainsorting

Problem A: Trainsorting Erin is an engineer. She drives trains. She also arranges the cars within each train. She prefers to put the cars in decreasing order of weight, with the heaviest car at t...

2012-02-28 21:33:32

[UVA] 10827 - Maximum sum on a torus

Problem H Maximum sum on a torus Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output A grid that wraps both horizontally and vertically is called a torus. Given a torus where each cell contain...

2012-02-27 14:38:36

[UVA] 11450 - Wedding shopping

D. Wedding Shopping Background One of our best friends is getting married and we all are nervous because he is the first of us who is doing something similar. In fact, we have ...

2012-02-27 14:03:06

[UVA] 11407 - Squares

Squares For any positive integer N , N = a12 + a22 +...+ an2 that is, any positive integer can be represented as sum of squares of other numbers. Your task is to print the smallest ...

2012-02-27 13:50:46

[UVA] 10616 - Divisible Group Sums

Problem H Divisible Group Sums Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Time Limit: 1 Second Given a list of N numbers you will be allowed to choose any M of them. So you can...

2012-02-27 09:20:37

[UVA] 10664 - Luggage

Luggage Peter and his friends are on holiday, so they have decided to make a trip by car to know the north of Spain. They are seven people and they think that two cars are enoug...

2012-02-27 09:05:12

[UVA] 10130 - SuperSale

SuperSale There is a SuperSale in a SuperHiperMarket. Every person can take only one object of each kind, i.e. one TV, one carrot, but for extra low price. We are going with a whole family to tha...

2012-02-26 11:33:18

[UVA] 10074 - Take the Land

Problem E Take the Land Input : standard input Output : standard output The poor man went to the King and said, “Lord, I cannot maintain my family. Please give me some wealth so tha...

2012-02-26 11:19:24

[UVA] 836 - Largest Submatrix

Largest Submatrix Let A be an N×N matrix of zeros and ones. A submatrix S of A is any group of contiguous entries that forms a square or a rectangle. Write a program that determines t...

2012-02-26 09:34:38

[UVA][JAVA][BigNumber] 787 - Maximum Sub-sequence Product

Maximum Sub-sequence Product Bob needs money, and since he knows you are here, he decided to gamble intelligently. The game is rather simple: each player gets a sequence of integers. The play...

2012-02-26 08:47:22

[UVA] 112 - Tree Summing

Tree Summing Background LISP was one of the earliest high-level programming languages and, with FORTRAN, is one of the oldest languages currently being used. Lists, which are the fundamental ...

2012-02-25 21:35:15

[UVA] 1208 - Oreon

In the 25th century, civilization is struck by a series of calamities that eventually led mankind to build walled cities interconnected by tunnel bridges to facilitate transportation. Each walled ...

2012-02-25 21:14:02

[UVA] 417 - Word Index

Word Index Encoding schemes are often used in situations requiring encryption or information storage/transmission economy. Here, we develop a simple encoding scheme that encodes particular types...

2012-02-23 15:45:09

[UVA] 11995 - I Can Guess the Data Structure!

Problem I I Can Guess the Data Structure! There is a bag-like data structure, supporting two operations: 1 x Throw an element x into the bag. 2 Take out an element from the bag. Given...

2012-02-22 09:26:53

[UVA] 11888 - Abnormal 89's

Abnormal 89's A palindrome is a word that can be read the same way in either direction. More formally if a string is d (d > 0) characters length and the i-th character is ai, the string is ...

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