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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-04-09 07:38:35


題號:79 系級:資工一 姓名:楊翔雲 學號:4100056008 自評分數:90 說明:數學推導 中文題目: 某廠商A為了推銷其產品B,推出買B送公仔的活動,公仔有S、H、E三種。 假設公仔的供應量很充足,抽到任何一種...

2012-04-09 07:35:18

[JAVA][作業][Lab3] Rational.java

/** �* @author Shiang-Yun Yang �*/ public class Rational { private int numerator; private int denominator; private boolean simplify = false; /** �����* Initializes the...

2012-04-08 07:30:16

[機率][加分題77][Pascal分佈] Pascal random variable 證明

中文題目:求出Pascal分佈的期望值與方差有需要 word 檔案,則留言通知!這只是我的作業,因此不代表 100% 正確加分題77-Pascal分佈-資工一-楊翔雲-4100056008-page-001.jpg加分題77-Pascal分佈-資工一-楊翔雲-410005...

2012-04-07 07:17:02

[UVA][LIS] 497 - Strategic Defense Initiative

Strategic Defense Initiative ``Commander! Commander! Please wake up commander!'' ``... mmmph. What time is it?'' ``4:07 am, Commander. The following message just arrived on the emergency zeta...

2012-04-06 21:50:33

[UVA][DP] 435 - Block Voting

Block Voting Different types of electoral systems exist. In a block voting system the members of a party do not vote individually as they like, but instead they must collectively accept or reject ...

2012-04-06 21:20:59

[UVA][DP] 10912 - Simple Minded Hashing

4th IIUC Inter-University Programming Contest, 2005 H Simple Minded Hashing Input: standard input Output: standard output ...

2012-04-06 12:35:26


為什麼只能繳交一題!老子我可都寫了,我的解答稍後補上。機率 指定作業第5批(加分題) 本檔案列出所有的加分題,每人只能選一題來做,而且每一題只接受一個人繳交(交到eCampus機率網站,以eCampus紀錄的時間為...

2012-04-04 19:37:49

[UVA][DP] 10271 - Chopsticks

Problem C Chopsticks Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output In China, people use a pair of chopsticks to get food on the table, but Mr. L is a bit different. He uses a set of thr...

2012-04-04 15:59:08

[UVA][DP] 10759 - Dice Throwing

Problem A Dice Throwing Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 1 second n common cubic dice are thrown. What is the probability that the sum of all thrown dice is at le...

2012-04-04 13:03:58

[UVA][D&C] 10702 - Travelling Salesman

Problem G - Travelling Salesman Time Limit: 1 second Jean is a travelling salesman. He keeps travelling among some cities. When he arrives in a city, he sells everything he has and ...

2012-04-04 09:45:40

[UVA][DP] 10502 - Counting Rectangles

Problem CCounting rectangles In some tests there appears the problem of finding the number of rectangles (or circles, or triangles, ...) of different sizes in a figure. We consider the problem of c...

2012-04-04 09:12:28

[UVA][DP] 624 - CD

CD You have a long drive by car ahead. You have a tape recorder, but unfortunately your best music is on CDs. You need to have it on tapes so the problem to solve is: you have a tape N minute...

2012-04-04 07:11:39

[UVA] 10945 - Mother bear

Problem C: Mother Bear Unforunately for our lazy "heroes", the nuts were planted by an evil bear known as.. Dave, and they've fallen right into his trap. Dave is not just any bear, he's a t...

2012-04-04 06:58:19

[UVA] 10970 - Big Chocolate

Big Chocolate Mohammad has recently visited Switzerland. As he loves his friends very much, he decided to buy some chocolate for them, but as this fine chocolate is very expensive(You know Moham...

2012-04-04 06:54:16

[UVA] 10921 - Find the Telephone

Problem B - Find the Telephone Time Limit: 1 second In some places is common to remember a phone number associating its digits to letters. In this way the expression MY LOVE means 6...

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