無關戀童 Child Molestation Controversy
Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts and only asks to be lived.
It's a complete lie. Why do people buy these papers? It's not the truth I'm here to say. You know, don't judge a person, do not pass judgment, unless you have talked to them one on one. I don't care what the story is. Do not judge them because it is a lie.
I just want to say to fans in every corner of the earth, every nationality, every race, every language: I love you from the bottom of my heart. I would love your prayers and your goodwill, and please be patient and be with me and believe in me because I am completely, completely innocent. But please know a lot of conspiracy is going on as we speak.
抨擊八卦小報 Criticism of Tabloids
Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons. The truth will win this marathon in court.
People write negative things, cause they feel that's what sells. Good news to them, doesn't sell.
Just because you read it in a magazine or see it on a TV screen doesn't make it factual. To buy it is to feed it.
整形闢謠 About Plastic Surgery
You know, let's put it this way, if all the people in Hollywood who have had plastic surgery, if they went on vacation, there wouldn't be a person left in town.
All of Hollywood has plastic surgery. I don't know why they point me out. The press exaggerated it. It's just my nose, you know. They want it to be everything. Just the nose isn't enough.
I have a skin disorder that destroys the pigmentation of my skin. It's something that I cannot help, OK? But when people make up stories that I don't want to be what I am it hurts me.
走近麥可.語錄選 Quotes by Michael Jackson (下) |
‧漂亮美語 2009/07/28 |
人們自以為他們懂我,可是他們錯了。不完全如此。事實上,我是世界上最寂寞的人之一。有時候我會哭,因為這讓我很難受。真的很難受。坦白講,我想你可以說,成為我這樣的人是很難受的。--Michael Jackson |
【撰文/Hugh】 人生勵志 Inspiring Positive Views of life 巨星也是從小長大的。麥可自童年開始一家都投入演藝事業。從小就受到嚴格要求的他,成長過程比其他孩子來得艱辛,可是對於人生,他總是懷抱著希望與熱情。他的人生智慧,除了透過歌曲來表達,也從一些言談中流露出來。 If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with. 如果你來到這世界,曉得自己是被愛的,而你離開這世界時,也曉得同樣的道理,那麼在這之間所發生的一切你都能應付得了。 In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. In a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe. 在一個充滿仇恨的世界,我們仍須勇於希望。在一個充滿憤怒的世界,我們仍須勇於安慰。在一個充滿絕望的世界,我們仍須勇於夢想。在一個充滿猜忌的世界,我們仍須勇於相信。 The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation. 生活的意義蘊藏在每一個生命的表現之中。存在於所有造物上的形式與現象都有著永恆的特質,生活的意義在此顯明。 演藝生涯與自我 Artist's Career and Self-Portrait 才11歲就率領Jackson 5站上美國流行樂排行榜冠軍的麥可,往後一生都投入演藝事業。從童星變為搖滾之王,舞台上他是超凡的歌舞之神,可是偶像的表現愈是完美,其私生活也愈受關注,彷彿人們非得要把偶像拉回現實不可。因此偶像是孤獨的,當他為演出毫不保留地付出時,他犧牲了正常的生活;當他想當個普通人時,身分卻羈絆了他。麥可如何看自己?我們來聽聽他心裡的聲音。 I was a veteran, before I was a teenager. 在我是青少年之前,就已經是個資深藝人了。 People think they know me, but they don't. Not really. Actually, I am one of the loneliest people on this earth. I cry sometimes, because it hurts. It does. To be honest, I guess you could say that it hurts to be me. 人們自以為他們懂我,可是他們錯了。不完全如此。事實上,我是世界上最寂寞的人之一。有時候我會哭,因為這讓我很難受。真的很難受。坦白講,我想你可以說,成為我這樣的人是很難受的。 I'm never pleased with anything. I'm a perfectionist. It's part of who I am. 我從不滿意任何事。我是個完美主義者。我就是這個樣子。 My goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance. 我人生的目標是給予這世界我有福分去得到的東西:透過我的音樂與舞蹈實現天人合一所帶來的狂喜。 ※延伸閱讀: ‧走近麥可.語錄選 Quotes by Michael Jackson (上) 【完整內容請見《漂亮美語》2009 NO.22八月號】 |