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2022-04-27 13:10:17
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2018-10-28 18:41:40
2009-06-12 03:49:01
2009-09-04 04:59:07


http://www.emergingearthangels.com/2009/wings9.1.2009.htmlSeptember 1, 2009  Welcome!As all our scattered pieces begin to settle, a new picture of who and where we are, is beginning to take hold. And...

2009-08-14 06:46:17

Coming Through the Gate

Coming Through the GateAugust 13, 2009  http://www.emergingearthangels.com/2009/wings8.13.2009.htmlWelcome!As we begin to re-align with our very new spaces, some themes can be ever present. This time...

2009-07-31 02:04:06

Lord Sananda ‘A Call to all Light Workers to Action’

Lord Sananda‘A Call to all Light Workers to Action’message channeled throughJudith K. Moore (USA)(July20, 2009)TheAscended Masters are holding Earth’s ascension pathway: three powerfulcosmic rays t...

2009-07-19 00:41:40

The Maya of Eternal Time. 2012 and Beyond.

Drunvalo是我非常喜歡的靈性作者之一,他有多本非常經典代表作,"The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life I&II",以及我個人非常喜愛的冒險式古老遺跡追尋的生命故事"Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012",還有一本非常觸...

2009-07-19 00:17:13

靈性之旅:Footsteps Of The Ancestors

Footsteps of the Ancestors. A Journey through the Ancient Southwest and Hopi Mesas.September 10–19, 2009 We invite you on a magical journey starting and ending in beautiful Sedona, the New Age capita...

2009-07-10 04:35:57

『Jade’s Retreat Center』身心靈整合工作室成立嘍~

Dear Light Family,非常興奮的和所有的Light-workers宣布,我終於要在Lafayette這座僻靜的小木屋成立Jade的身心靈整合工作室,取名叫做『Jade's Retreat Center』Retreat一 詞本身含有「僻靜」、「靜修」、和「閉關修行...

2009-06-29 03:06:33



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