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2009-03-06 02:31:17



2009-03-06 02:05:05

靈性訊息: Starting Over March 5, 2009

 Starting OverMarch 5, 2009 http://www.emergingearthangels.com/2009/wings3.5.2009.htmlWelcome! Bit by bit, piece by piece, we are starting over. After enough souls residing in the lower dimensional...

2009-03-02 01:10:19

It is to be on your path!

Message from Valerie Donner - February 12, 2009 Dear Ground Crew: by Valerie Donner - http://thegroundcrew.comDoes this feel like a strange energy week to you? We had the lunar eclipse on February 9 a...

2009-02-28 04:08:33

Energies of 2009

Energies of 2009By Sarah Biermann  http://spiritofmaat.com/feb09/energies_of_2009.htmlThe Universal Number for year 2009 is the Master Number 11/2 (2+0+0+9=11, 1+1= 2). It's the first 11-year to occu...

2009-02-27 09:02:35

How to Turn Any Problem Into a Peaceful Prayer

February 2009 How to Turn Any Problem Into a Peaceful Prayer by Doreen VirtueWhat changes would you like to experience right now? If you had a magic wand, what would you wish for?Your answers are the ...

2009-02-05 10:24:16

靈性訊息:from Hathor1.28.09

這段時間,一直持續不斷的接收到我的其中一位指導靈Hathor傳遞給我的訊息 我對Hathor(如圖)其實不是那麼的熟悉,只知道他是一位埃及的神祇,他的靈性教導包含了聲音治療(sound/ vibrational healing),神聖的幾何學圖形...

2009-01-29 09:05:10

The Art of Extreme Self-Care

這篇文章是由我在San Diego的好友兼靈性夥伴Angela傳來的文章,Angela提到,這篇文章所教導的"如何做到徹底的自我照顧"是由我們共同的靈媒好友Nigel強力推薦和大家分享Love,Jade The Art of Extreme Self-Care Transf...

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