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2009-09-04 04:59:07| 人氣736| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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September 1, 2009


As all our scattered pieces begin to settle, a new picture of who and where we are, is beginning to take hold. And in addition, the new energies of this new and higher vibrating space are energies that are very unlike what we have known and experienced in the past.

There is a very vast and open territory available to us now. I recently received a correspondence from a reader who described communicating with her guides as now “shouting.” I had to laugh, because it was only days prior that I was speaking with mine and saying, “CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW??!!!” With every word, I had to shout! Much of everything is so very far away now, as this new territory has very few settlers and very few settlements as of yet. But indeed, it is a new land awaiting our creations, and only proof that we are now somewhere very new and different.

Last Wednesday, August 26th, we pushed through yet another wall of density, allowing us to really experience even more of the higher energies and to arrive even more fully in a new and higher vibrating dimensional space. For about three days, some of you may have experienced severe neck and shoulder stiffness and pain, head congestion, painful joints, abdominal muscle soreness (a feeling as if one had done a day of sit-ups!), foot pain again, watering eyes and stuffy nose, untimely menses, back pain, and head congestion being but a few of the symptoms.

Allergies are also common with ascension, as when we suddenly reach a higher vibration within, the outside no longer matches as it is now vibrating lower, and our bodies interpret this as an intruder…thus, releasing histamine or defenses of protection. Perhaps feeling as if a minor flu was present, this breaking through the density suddenly passed, and when it did, a deep calmness, ease, and contentment was the result.

In many ways, we are still being sequestered so to speak. We are being vitally protected by our loving caretakers from home, while we complete the steps needed and continue to fully integrate into our new spaces.

Since the time of our arrival in these bodies here on Earth, we have had the roles of bringing up the vibration of the planet. We placed ourselves here on the earth for this important mission, all the while knowing that it was a “calculated risk.” During this time, even though it may not have felt like it at times, we were being lovingly watched over and intensely protected by our star families of origin (and for some, free will greatly warped the course and experience). Due to “the plan” not unfolding as was hoped, as so many of the masses were not willing to open and change, we have now been removed and placed in a holding cell, so to speak, until our new residencies here on Earth have been cemented in. We will be staying here on the earth, none-the-less, and thus, our new roles are now being formulated. We are continuing with the plan, if even with fewer souls than intended and hoped for (at least for now).

Being “removed” can create interesting feelings for those who are sensitive and more deeply consciously connected. We may feel like things are being orchestrated and taken care of for us. We may feel a new sense of security, and that any bad experiences were a thing of the past. We are always the ultimate creators here on Earth, but during this sensitive time, we are getting a rare and unusual amount of assistance. We have been through a lot (especially during these last two years), and we could use a break. Our families of origin from the stars are placing us in new homes, right here on Earth, and then, it is up to us to do the creating. If we choose, we can ask them for assistance, but it is our star families who will be working for us in times to come…we will not, nor ever, be working for them.

This new space we have one foot in, is indeed open and wide, vast and immense, and thus, much of everything can seem very far away. Projects we may have begun before the solstice in June, may seem to have suddenly dissipated, as the energies involved with them have perhaps been placed somewhere new and different…a result of the massive restructuring that was needed. But when things really begin to gel once again, these far away energies may return to us all over again, if even in new and different ways, or even in different forms. At any rate, all energies will be different…washed clean, fresh, relaxed, and with an ease that we have yet to have experienced.

Currently, then, we are fine tuning or re-creating what it is that we will choose to create in this very new reality. And what we will be creating will be far better than we could ever have imagined. It can be challenging to create everything right now, because much will be new and different. Say you were preparing to purchase a new house now, so you might be looking in a specific price range that fits what you can currently afford. What is being offered in that price range, may not feel good or even what you think you deserve or have earned. But just bumping up into a price range a bit higher, can change the scenery in a massive way.

We are currently bumping up into a new price range. The placeholders are being set, the formulations are being made, things are being molded and prepared, and soon, the new price range will indeed be a possibility and most certainly, a reality. And this new price range is only the beginning…a price range, so to speak, that will feel better soon, but will expand even more in times to come.

In this way, we cannot move into our new homes all the way, quite yet. But what we can do, is fine tune who we are, what we will be offering, and how we will fit into our new reality and new residency on the planet. Our manifestations may have seemed to yo-yo and change direction in recent weeks and months. This is not indicative of the energies, but indicative of us. We are changing our minds right and left, as our situations continue to change, and change as well in regard to who we will be connecting with, as our connections will serve to greatly sustain the new higher vibrating energies. Our new physical spaces are being held for us, until we begin the process of offering our new services and creations to our new reality…and our new services will culminate very soon.

This process is being created like a jigsaw puzzle. And as each piece of the puzzle gels and congeals more and more, these pieces will then begin to connect to each other. The pieces cannot connect all the way quite yet, as they are not done being created. We have arrived in a new land where there is little density. Creating a new “us,” will be about formulating the little density that has been left intact. Like energies will always connect to like energies, but first, we need to identify what our overlapping or similarities will be about, before we can connect to each other and start anew. Eventually, everything will indeed come together.

In this new land, we are very open to the heavens. The energies here are very refined, peaceful, calm, respectful, secure, and quite magical. These are energies we will need to get used to, as these energies reflect a lack of density, and these are the energies that will comprise our mainstay. Our phones will not be ringing off their hooks as in times past, as the only things we will be able to connect to, are things that will be allowed in our spaces, and things of which we choose to accept or to interact with, as they will support us and always feel good. The connections will be light, easy, and make us smile. (Store-front connections are different.)

This is happening now in varied ways. Standing in line at a store and connecting to a beautiful and loving person, receiving exceptional care and customer service during rare times when “out there,” and so forth, are examples of these new interactions that are now available. Being invisible will greatly intensify as well. We will be untouchable, or really, so very far away and unnoticed by the old world and mainstream. In this way, we will almost literally be invisible to lower vibrating energies…even lower vibrating energies of which we still need to be involved with in regard to the old world and its systems. Very simply, we will not be seen or noticed, unless we choose to be. In this way, we will be very safe and protected, and connect with only the purest of energies.

This is the beginning of life “on the other side.” When spending time on the dimensional border, or line between the old world and old reality and our new world and new reality, the rules are a bit different. The more we are surrounded by the denser energies, the more we will become a part of them, and have a very different experience. This experience is detailed in Heaven’s Gate, as specific boundaries need to be set when dealing with denser energies…they frequently like to drain us, use us, are ungrateful, and can be disrespectful.

When going back for longer bits of time, we need only go back as far as our store-fronts on the dimensional border. Thus, when working with these energies on the border through our store-fronts,  as we still need monetary assistance until we eventually do not, we will have a bit of a different experience than we do when on  the other side. And yes, our store-fronts can still be about service, but they need to be comprised of clients who have very distinctly asked and who are willing and open to our own individual areas of expertise.

In order to have as little interaction as possible with the old world, we had to let go of so much in order to get to this new and “other side.” Letting go of so much was necessary in order to be able to start anew. When we are greatly ensconced by the denser energies for substantial amounts of time, the denser energies within us that have gone dormant due to the ascension process, are easily activated once again. In this way, we can feel as if we have gone backwards or that perhaps nothing has changed. We never really clear out or transmute all of our density…the remaining density within us simply goes dormant and cannot exist as it has nothing of that level of density to activate it when we begin existing in the higher realms.

So then, currently we are setting up our new residencies and making great progress with the unseen, even though some of us may not be consciously aware of what is being formulated. With “the seen,” it is a good time to be putting together our new offerings, in new ways, and with a new “us.” As we are now existing on many different rungs, even though we have arrived somewhere new, our new offerings will reflect where each and every one of us has most recently landed and what we are now acclimating to.

After we formulate what we will be offering, which is in alignment with our true and authentic selves, and which is in alignment with our new roles, we will eventually arrive in very new geographical spaces as well (and we can even transform our old spaces too, without ever going somewhere new and different). As things progress more and more, we will begin connecting and finally begin creating a very new reality here on Earth.

There is really too much to go into here in a WINGS post, relating to this process, the new world, what things will look like, and most importantly, our new structures and the new “us.” I am in the process of creating the next mini e-book, and it will explain things in a much more detailed and accurate way, and how it all relates to what we feel and experience, and the highlights of the road.

With much love and gratitude,

台長: 珏吟
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