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2012-05-06 02:48:56| 人氣681| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

靈性占星訊息:Happy Full Moon & Ascension Day

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Happy Full Moon & Ascension Day
Dear Friends,
Happy Ascension Day! and Happy Full Moon! 
We will be witnessing Mother Moon in her most magnificent fullness this weekend as she travels in very close proximity to Mother Earth. The Mothers are having a tet-e-tet and have agreed that this spectacular event harness the fullness of our capacity to love and feel, and with their help, ground this within our bodies and on Earth. This is a one of few cycles such as we experience this weekend. During this weekend, leading up to the 15th of May, The Hathor Goddesses will be projecting 12 new Venusian Rays of Cosmic Love to the planet in preparation for the 40 day and 40 night Venus retrograde beginning on the 15th. I will be channelling information on the 10th of May on these Rays and their message for the retrograde, so look out for the announcement post of its availability in my Facebook
 Palace of Peace Group. In my last newsletter I wrote at length about the upcoming  Venus Retrograde, please go back to it as a reminder of what to expect.  
This weekend the Full Moon in Scorpio is promising us the potential of "something" by aiding us in exploring the very depths of our most intense feelings, which became "frozen in time," and that which has been smouldering beneath the surface requiring an outlet so as to resolve and transform them into something positive and nurturing and move forward. It is an opportunity to regenerate intense emotions and make peace with the aspects of ourselves we have found hard to change and that have held onto resentment and obsessive destructive emotions as a result of expecting worst case scenarios to unfold based on unresolved past hurt. Mother Moon's fullness brings full light to the fore showing us "the light" and hidden mysteries and secrets of self so that that which we have internalised can reveal its core and embrace new life, resulting in the deep desire for emotional and physical security becoming tangible. In order to ensure this outcome stick to a routine and focus on becoming transparent with yourself and healing these parts of yourself. By doing this you will automatically feel more focused, driven, your "raw power" and energy "frozen in time" returns, depression lifts, and you will bounce back into action. The results of this routine and self-transparency will deliver the full extent of it's reward toward the end of June, which is when both Venus and Saturn will have ended their retrograde cycles, granting us a well deserved breather before Mercury turns retrograde in Leo shortly after that.  
Depression is the result of repressed, deeply buried, unexpressed and unresolved emotions. The heaviness of carrying around this baggage makes one feel heavy, gloomy, cynical, suspicious, hypersensitive, resentful, defensive, paranoid, manipulative, and negatively obsessive and destructive. This impacts the physical body manifesting as weight gain, or difficulty shedding weight, emotional over-eating, an increase in cortisol production, general hormonal imbalances, migraines, digestive disorders, kidney and bladder infections, reproductive organ problems and infections, arthritis, gout, and in the worst case, cancer. Some of these issue may even be buried so deep within that you are unaware there is an issue pertaining to a specific unresolved incident. In this case listen to your intuition over the next few weeks, surrender and allow your body to guide you as to what it needs to communicate to you.  
One of the ways to recognise if the above pertains to you is to openly admit to yourself what you tend to resist feeling, or what you generally tend to shy away from when having to face an uncomfortable situation. Do you ignore it, then pay it some attention, and then overreact? Do you deny yourself the opportunity to experience and periodically indulge in the tangible "good things in life", get stuck in a rut and do nothing, or completely over-indulge in the "good life" giving its financial and health consequences little thought? Do you feel torn between being and doing, and feel guilty when you need to take time out for yourself? Do you become fixated on negatives, so much so that you "shoot yourself in the foot" and miss out on really good opportunities? Do you stubbornly, predictably and possessively hold onto what is familiar and outdated, denying yourself important life-change that will positively transform your life? Is your sensuality inhibited or in over-kill? Do you hoard money and/or possessions in order to feel safe and deny your inner and emotional world? Do you feel creatively blocked and fixated on "head-stuff"? Do you resist change because you are afraid of what you will feel, or at what cost the change will come?  
The above questions are imperative to answer and will set you on track to creating the solutions that will bring balance, resolve and harmony to contentious areas of your life you are either shying away from completely, or over-indulging in to your detriment. There is no shame in admitting any of the above as being an issue. It takes an immense amount of courage and guts to admit to ourselves where we need to pay ourselves attention and take responsibility for what sabotages and hurts us. This act destroys the foundation of projection, and when we take responsibility for our issues, which automatically lead to a cessation of projection, the outer-world ceases to project toward us because the mirror has been shattered, leaving nothing negative to reflect back at us. This is how incredibly rewarding the path of self-reflection and healing is. If you think about it, it is actually amusing when we admit to ourselves and SEE how we so often run away from and deny what we need and yearn for most. This is generally because we are afraid of what we have to face and what we imagine we will feel.  
This weekend and the next few weeks embody energies that will help in ways we never imagined possible. Take full advantage of these energies and face yourself, feel, resolve, transform and break free. To help you with the process are three FREE channelings in our FREE section of my website that are of great benefit - "Quantum Leap of Faith""Clearing Contracts", and the "Ascension Day 5:5:5 Key Date Activation" Channellings. In conjunction with these I suggest you work with our latest new series "Shattering the 7 Seals of Poverty Consciousness" especially Part 2, which concentrates on healing "frozen" emotions. The introduction and first two Parts are available in our shop, and more will follow next week.  
There is a wealth of information available on my website. I use these tools constantly and have personally transformed many areas of my life. I can confidently say that when an "old" issue rears its head I deal with it differently. When I now have a heavy or negative day, it is short-lived, and fear no longer consumes me like it did in my past regarding certain challenging patterns I have worked through. One of the most valuable aspects of my healing and transformation has been the new-found courage and harmony I have found in severing ties with people and situations that we draining me of my life-force, which I clung onto as a result of mistakenly believing it was my duty to "stick around" and see it through. When I realised their drama didn't have to be mine, everything shifted. Walking away from these relationships has revived my lust for life, my creativity, I feel a deeper sense of inner freedom, and the most awesome thing of all is that my hair has stopped falling out!! When we listen and follow through, life and our body confirms to us our right choice and the reward for positive action taken. 
The energies for the Ascension Gate opening on December 21st, 2012 is building as each day passes. I have conducted a huge amount of work in Egypt over the past 6 years and will be returning there for the 12:12:12 Celebration. In 2008 we anchored the 144 Abundance Chakra energies there, and activated the powerful White Fire Element and what Kuthumi-Agrippa calls the "Golden Temple Teachings". It was one of my most empowering trips to Egypt and the Pilgrims who travelled with me are still spreading the energy of the White Fire Element in their personal and Earth Work to this day. My itinerary will be available shortly, and thank you to those of you who have already booked for the Pilgrimage without having seen the itinerary as yet!  
We recently made the 144 Abundance Chakra symbols available as downloadable cards and include the accompanying 6 channellings which contain the initiation information and how to use them. The re-emergence of these energies are contributing to increasing the vibrations of the energies we have worked with in the past, and elevating the absorbency levels of the grids activated in the past so that they can fully integrate the new, very high, vibrational Rays of new energy and Light. As a result, Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene have insisted a number of their earlier teachings be re-energised and made available to the public, because what they said then is more relevant now than it ever was. Therefore, everything stated regarding energies, energy activations, clearing and healing within the channellings of "old" has, according to KA and MM, increased 1000 fold, thus speeding up the processes in the teachings 1000 fold. So, don't under any circumstance, under-estimate the value and power embodied in the older teachings, which energetically extend beyond the parameters of anything we can imagine possible and how applying them and working through the integration activities will change your life.  
Another life-changing series of teachings are the 55 Cosmic Laws. Everyone who has worked with these teachings with commitment whom I know of have without any doubt experienced massive shifts for the positive in their lives, including myself. I have been teaching in-depth the first 12 Cosmic Laws, and our first two Golden Temple Teachers, Faith Parent Hendrickson and my precious PA, Samantha Gilbert have been "initiated", are ready and now teaching these too. Please click here to read more about Faith and Samantha, andhere to find out what Faith and Samantha are up to with the teachings and webinars they are hosting utilising their combined skills in presenting the teachings of Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene. I am honoured to have two such amazing Goddesses working along side me and representing Palace of Peace.  
Have a magical Full Moon weekend, and may it be BLESSFUL one! :) 
Much love, 

台長: 珏吟
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