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最新靈性訊息: 死亡與重生

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Are We Dead in the Water?

April 28, 2009


Are we dead in the water? Has everything simply stopped, with no support, and a seeming lack of interest for whom we are and what we are wanting to create? Has all incoming energy dried up? Does the universe even care about us anymore? Will the energies ever move again? Can we endure yet more stretching and seeming struggle? Are we ready to give up forever more? Are we too tired, disappointed, and apathetic now to continue on? Have we finally, but finally, lost our faith?

If you are having any of these thoughts, you are not alone. We are in a very important, and if you can believe it, special space right now. And this space is TEMPORARY. Yes, this space is TEMPORARY and will absolutely pass.

The energies are not “catching” yet. They are not yet ready to grab on to their perfect counterpart for a complete connection. So then, it may seem that we get a message about a path or new space for ourselves, and even when we arrive in it, nothing seems to manifest. Or perhaps little “nibbles” arrive, but nothing ever grabs on. Or even feeling fear energy, as nothing really wants to move forward quite yet with all the uncertainty present, even if you do.

In addition, many are confused and not really quite sure where to go or what to do. With so much energy stagnating and refusing to begin, confusion can result, causing some to grasp for perhaps a new direction, or maybe even flit around in a bit of a desperation mode, as validations are not occurring because it is simply not yet time.

“Where do I belong?” you may ask yourself. “I need to be somewhere else, but I know not where!” “Does the universe even care?” “Why do I have to go through this unpleasant time yet again? Haven’t I gone through enough already?”

I can assure you that we are indeed progressing right on track, even though it may feel otherwise. And even if you are aware of what is occurring at higher levels, you might still feel tired of it all and just worn out! Who cares about the why!! It does not matter anymore, because perhaps we have just gone beyond our capacity to stretch any further!

We have had to stretch this far, because we are at the very end of one reality and perfectly poised to enter another. We are completing one massive phase on the planet…a phase that has lasted as long as we have been in these particular bodies this time around, or even in any bodies at any time during our existence. We are readying for a very new beginning in a very new reality, and this takes time, as everything must be in place before June arrives.

Little by little, every piece is coming into place. We are making dramatic internal shifts in preparation. Little by little, much is being completed and taken care of so that things will be perfectly lined up when the time is right. Anything not vibrating of a higher order is being removed from our spaces..internally and externally. If we try and go back to the old world and old reality…ouch! Extreme unpleasantness will ensue. But being that we have not yet fully connected to all we need to connect to, we are still left hanging out there, until the time is right. How do we survive until then?

We are the angels of the New Earth, the originators of this Shift of the Ages, and thus, all our needs will be met and we will be taken care of. If we are feeling panic of any sort, surrender is the cure. Give up, let go, get out of the way, and source will take care of us until we fully connect to our very new shore. And if at all possible….simply trust. Everything, as always, is in divine and perfect order. Everything is unfolding just as it should. There is nothing wrong here.

We may think that we are now ready for the new, that we have completed our new “store-fronts,” or even that we are at the starting gates with our engines revved up, ready to roll, but actually, we are not. Little pieces and tendrils still need tending to, and they will show up and miraculously be taken care of and fixed, as this time continues on for a while longer. Things we may not have even been aware of, are now moving into place. Everything must be perfect. Every piece must be in place, because if the pieces are not in place, when the energy moves forward once again, things will manifest that we might not want to manifest. We need to be right where we need to be, so that we can be supported when the supporting energies arrive. We would not want to be supported into going in an unpleasant direction.

So what about June? What will it bring? The spring equinox moved energies around. It coughed up more density and darkness and let it fly around as it now had nowhere left to go. In this way, edginess, shakiness, fear, uncertainty, jitteriness, and a spookiness could be felt. With our own personal density being so much less now, we may have felt that we were out in the cold with no jacket, naked and unprotected. And very vulnerable indeed.

If we were to be far out in space and look at the earth, wondering what was going on down there right now, it would look like this:  Whatever was left of the denser and old energies has just been usurped and is flying around with nothing to attach to. The old reality is really a huge illusion right now, so in this way, nothing much is grounded. With all the old now having been dug up and lifted out of its prior home, chaos is present. There is a massive changing of the guard going on now. It is massive indeed. A very new energy will now hold the earth. This energy will be in charge of her now, in all ways. This new energy will move into place, hold the space, and very much reside on and within the earth in all ways. With outstretched arms, this energy will be the new steward for the earth, and will now, finally, have carte blanche in whatever it chooses to create. And this new energy is us.

So then, this is why the solstice of June will be the final step of this new grounding, of this new stewardship, of this massive anchoring in of our energies in a very new space. This is a massive undertaking, as it well should be. The uncertainty now  comes from the fact that we ended our prior roles several months ago, have been setting up ever since for the new, and in addition, have been in temporary holding places until it is safe to assume our new positions. Many of us have connected to temporary places and spaces that will harbor us until it is safe to “go out” once again…but “going out” will never be the same anyway. (The new mini e-book, “Heaven’s Gate / Navigating the Dimensional Border” is finally done…I am just in the process of creating a new page on the web site to offer it to you, and will let everyone know when it is completely ready via e-mail if you are on the list, and in a WINGS post. This mini book will address it detail, our new roles and how we can survive during this very unusual time, so I will not go into detail about these things here in this WINGS post.)

If we can hang on a bit longer, know that things are right where they need to be, and trust that our current situation is only temporary, perhaps we can then sleep more soundly, relax, and simply allow our souls and the universe to do their jobs…and they love doing their jobs!

With much love and gratitude,





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