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2022-04-27 13:10:17
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2009-06-12 03:49:01
2011-01-03 11:07:19

2011: The Year of the Indigo by Doreen Virtue

January 20112011: The Year of the Indigo by Doreen VirtueAt the end of each year, I sit in quiet silence and connect with the presence of the mighty Archangel Michael, and ask him for messages about t...

2010-12-31 12:44:21

七道聖火 The Seven Sacred Flames (中文版)

seven sacred flames.jpg(以下翻譯節錄自<The Seven Sacred Flames七道聖火>一書中,書中為Telos的大祭司Adama口述,Aurelia Louise Jones紀錄)The Seven Flames of God for Seven DaysAdama以下,我將要給你們有...

2010-12-28 08:36:47

Akashic Awakenings~Cindy回來嘍!!

Dear Light Family,很開心的, Cindy (the lord of Akasha)回來嘍~她帶來了有關2011年的靈性訊息,並且再度提供Akashic Record的reading,以及許多的課程和工作坊,歡迎有興趣的人可以和她連繫!希望Jade工作室有機會可以...

2010-12-27 08:14:07

God, Sex and the Body

Michael Julian Berz"God Sex and the Body is and always will be a profound and integral part of the 5Rhythms® curriculum. It has personally informed my way of being, my teaching style, and, most deepl...

2010-12-22 18:39:16

The Timeless Enigma of the Crystal Skulls

The Timeless Enigma of the Crystal SkullsArchangel Metatron via J Tyberonn" The great Marcel Vogel once told me that he thought he understood crystals until he came across the crystal skulls. The skul...

2010-11-30 14:45:02


esscential spirituality.jpg因應著2012年的即將來臨,Jade工作坊預計於明年的二三月開闢連續八周的心靈成長課程(以團體治療的型式),為2011年開啟新春的能量這次的工作坊會以Roger Walsh的"Essential Spirituality--T...

2010-11-22 09:47:14


「自我照顧暨滿月儀式」工作坊violet flame1.jpg時間2011年1月16日的下午1:30-4:00地點Jade身心靈整合工作室台中市工業區六路20號2F召集人Jade身心靈整合工作室詳情舉辦的目的,主要在提倡助人者,日常生活中自我照顧的...

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